Isaac, My Young Delaware Rooster (New Pics Post #18)

Indeed he is so handsome and he reminds me of one of those Light Sussex that one guy in here imported from AUST.

Are Sussex and Delawares related???? They have such similar body and patterns.

How about a new color of Coronation Delawares? Similar to the Coronation (Lavender) Sussex. I bet they would be beeeeeeeeeautiful!

BTW, how is Suede and Zane?
Lt Sussex have solid columbian hackles but Dels are barred. They are not related to Sussex. They only share ancestry with Barred Rocks and New Hampshires, of which they were a white sport/mutation of. Later as lines dwindled, there were some outcrosses and not near enough culling to get them back to type, which is why we see so many substandard Dels these days. Lavender Dels would be the coolest thing!

Suede is good and so is Zane. Skye isn't doing so well, though. So, if I lose her, I'll have to put Meg and/or the Brahmas in with Suede so he has enough girls.
Skye has a crop that refuses to empty.Found her hunched up in the pen a few days ago, looking awful. Crop is not impacted, not sour, just "doughy", so there may be a blockage where the crop empties. She's not eating or drinking and we're having to force water and oil down her and massage the crop. Nothing is working and we've been trying to help her for four days now. Darn molt makes everything so much worse and she's always had a bit of a pendulous crop (lost my oldest blue Orp hen last year during her molt to sour crop). Not sure how long she can last this way. She's losing weight fast now, poor thing.
Oh I am sorry to hear about Skye. That is hard to watch them suffering and not have anything help.

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