ISO blue egg laying brown leghorns


Jan 22, 2023
I know in the past that there was a line of these birds created. Can anyone help me find a source. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Thank you Tony, I appreciate that. I actually live not too far from cackle hatchery and will probably order some from them. They won’t lay blue eggs but they’ll be good layers and beautiful birds.
Thank you. He no longer has any and isn’t sure who still has any. It’s unfortunate but I might not find them and may have to try to recreate them.
On Ebay:
I know in the past that there was a line of these birds created. Can anyone help me find a source. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

What country are you in?

I'm sure there may be a project line out there somewhere.

Have you already considered the cream legbars? They have the bonus of being auto sexing at hatch, lay blue eggs, and look very similar to brown leghorn.


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