It’s getting cold here! Ducks absolutely will NOT use their house!

That's scary any chance they can get fried. What about neighbors with dogs? I keep my scovy's home by clipping wings just too many things out there to let them fly.
We have a neighbor with a couple dogs. That’s why they are in a fence unless we are home. It seems like they always take off and fly that high when it is really windy! They scare me and I think their selves.
I get Ducks of all ages and they all learn the ramp in about 2 days..Ducks are like spoiled kids..They do what they like and protest things they don't
They did really good this morning.. except they all want out at the same time and push others so they fall off. So our next project is to put sides on the ramp.
Yep sounds like sides will help a lot.

Dogs are not friends of ducks be careful sometimes not even dogs that live at the same house as ducks.
Yeah those dogs came into the yard.. (I think they live a couple miles away) and tried to grab one of my Rouens. Thank goodness we were out there! My ducky was scared!
Wow that had to scare you. We have had dogs wander up here to I would never want to shot something but if it's going after my animals I won't hesitate.
I learned that fact, when someone stole my drake. I'd shoot an intruder for sure if I were around when it happened.
I wouldn't worry about sides on the ramp. Ours used to be housed in an old barn with chicken doors about 3 feet off the ground. We installed a ramp that was about a foot wide with steps. Once they figured it out, they either walked up it or jumped on about halfway up to go in and pushed and shoved their way out every day, usually only walking one or two steps before jumping off the sides. Everybody was fine. I would worry more about injuries with sides that they could get pushed into/
Ducks legs can be injured if they jump from too high a height. My Muscovy drake jump off the side of his pool instead of using his ramp and limped around for a week or so before he was back to normal.

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