It’s getting cold here! Ducks absolutely will NOT use their house!



6 Years
Nov 19, 2017
It’s getting real cold here in Iowa! My ducks refuse to sleep in their house! They would rather sleep in the grass or on cement! Even right next to it!
Sometimes I catch them hanging out in it in the morning or during the day though.
I think they’re going to get very cold.. especially at night when the temp drops! And when it starts snowing!
During the day, they should be fine going wherever they want. But at night, you may have to go to great lengths(carrying them) to get them in their pen. You have to think about predators too at night.. Let's see what @chickens really has to say about the matter.
They go in at night by themselves in our small fence. (Some of our yard has a small fence around it) We lock the gate and the stuff they need is right there. House, food, water, friends.
I had to "train" my ducks to use their coop; first, I put them in there, physically. Once they were settled down, I took a dish of their favorite treat, Cheerios. I did that for 2-3 nights in a row, rattling the bowl so they could hear the noise. After a few days, all I needed to do was rattle the bowl, and they came running, because they knew they would get a treat when they went into their coop. Several more evenings like this, and it became habit for them to go in when the sun began to go down.
I had to "train" my ducks to use their coop; first, I put them in there, physically. Once they were settled down, I took a dish of their favorite treat, Cheerios. I did that for 2-3 nights in a row, rattling the bowl so they could hear the noise. After a few days, all I needed to do was rattle the bowl, and they came running, because they knew they would get a treat when they went into their coop. Several more evenings like this, and it became habit for them to go in when the sun began to go down.
Cheerios? I didn’t know you could feed ducks that! Haha! This sounds like a good idea! I don’t want them to get cold!
Be sure to offer water anytime you offer food.

Ducks herd really well and if you walk slowly behind them using your arms or long poles you can get them inside and lock the door. Don't want to leave them outside where preds are roaming around looking for an easy meal.
Yeah I know, they are outside in a fence. I don’t usually need to herd them in as they go in by themselves at night.

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