It finally happened the neighbors dog got out

I don't know what your end goal is - if you really want her to financially compensate you, or you just want to feel like things have been squared up.

I had a similar situation happen with dogs killing my girls. I found out it wasn't the first time the dogs had killed chickens. I went to my city ward representative and she got great results for me. We also had to go to the city council meeting to plead our case - they were also very sympathetic. We had absolutely no luck with animal control or the police. If your neighbor really isn't supposed to have dogs, I would do some research and then call your area representative. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Her dog should be removed.
My end goal is to be made whole. In order for me to be made whole I fell that my chickens should be replaced with same breed and of similar age. At this point there isn't anything that can be done to be squared up.

I have went to the zoning people in town and let them know what has happened. They didn't seem surprised or act like they were gonna do much with it.
Where I live chickens have free range,meaning if any predator goes after your birds you have every right to kill the predator. It may not help with neighbor relations. Once my neighbor across the road let his cow dogs loose to roam for a while. The dogs came and killed 5 of my free range birds. I got off shots at both of them and killed one. I told my neighbor that one was dead and the other gut shot. He ask,"How much do I owe you?" I told him nothing but to do something with the dog that is gut shot.I hated to shot his cow dogs.I did not know where they came from.We are still good neighbors.I hope you can work this out.BTW.I now have a fence around my entire property where my birds can free range without worry of dogs.
We received a call from the ladies attorney today. They offered $300 paid out over 6 months. Not sure what were gonna do yet.
Doesn't get you your new chickens for another 6 months then does it, I'd be tempted to say fine but you have to add the cost of the lost egg production to it. Maybe if she wasn't paying the attorney she could pay you sooner

Roaming dogs can be awful things. My boss just lost a ram to some. They ran it to exhaustion, chewed of it delicate region and left it to bleed to death slowly. Just horrible. . He got permission to bait the area.

If you have a pet keep it under control.
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I'm not sire if I'd worry about the money, myself. Sure it would help to replace the loss, but I'd definitely eliminate the dog. Monetary loss is what makes our society go around. Not wearing your seat a fine. No auto a fine. Everything revolves around making you pay something. There are some things money won't atone for. The dog killed your chickens....kill the dog. Then they have to replace their dog if they want one. Just my two cents...
^^ love your sigs^^ "Open Range" ?
First one is...second is from "Last Stand at Saber River".

When I first saw your post, I started scrolling up....I thought someone had posted pictures of some Sigs....
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My neighbor's dog killed one of my chickens 2 days ago. Only one chicken though, though I loved her dearly. Had a talk with the neighbor. All these helpful posts are very reassuring.
Well it has been a while since I have updated this thread.

I filed in small claims court. We were able to come to an agreement outside of court for the amount I originally requested in my demand letter.

Apparently the dog got loose again and went after one of the neighbors. That neighbor was able to put the dog down. I don't have to worry about that dog but apparently she had gotten more dogs.

Hopefully she can maintain control of her animals this time.
I am so sorry for you and your girls. I had this happen just last week. I lost 6 pullets that are about 20 weeks old and 2 turkeys. I have only 2 Americanas and 1 really injured turkey hen left. After talking to my neighbors I found out that everyone is losing birds and rabbits. 1 person has tried to shot the dogs but missed. Unfortunately the people who have the dogs either don't care they are getting out or just deny it is there dog. I have tried traps but the dog got out. I will be getting a gun and a high powered pellet gun...
I thought you said that this lady was not supposed to have dogs... how is she even allowed to have them? Can't they take them away from her? Well, at least she was forced to own up to her negligence. Though it does not help with what you been throw.... sometimes being forced to pay a high fee forces a person to learn from their mistakes. Maybe put your coop closer to the house and get a gun as well... just in case she doesn't learn.
Good luck.

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