It has been super hot in SC


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
I filled there waterer with 1/2 ice and water.
Will put a fan on them torromo. What can i do to help them?
I have a fan in the hen house. I have a fan blowing into my baby chick pen, I put blocks out ice every couple hours in chick pen, saucer of water in chick pen to wade in. I keep the bushes and ground wet in the yard for the older hens, fresh water buckets all over the yard. Cold treats couple times a day. And keep watch over them thru out the day. Its over 100 EVERY day here in TX, and so very dry!

pam in TX
That is about what we are all doing here in SC. Some are freezing water in 2 liter bottles and putting them in the pen/coop also.

You can check out the South Carolina thread & see what we are all doing to try to keep cool!

If you go to the last page in that thread, or maybe the last few pages, you may see what some have tried recently
Will they wade in a pool?
I have a concrete mixing tub and a kiddie pool if that would work....
Will try this tonight have a lot of 2 lite soda bottles. going to fill and place in the freezer.
Will try this tonight have a lot of 2 lite soda bottles. going to fill and place in the freezer.

How do you give it to them after freezing....
I'm in MS and it has been like an inferno here. Mine normally use nipple waterers, but since it has been so hot they seem to really enjoy having a shallow dish of water to drink from. This allows them to dip their wattles into the water which is a major cooling mechanism for them.
You just park the bottles in the shade for the birdies to stand near them for the cooling affect. I suppose you could also put them in the wading pool to help keep that water cool as well. Blast the fans on high. Mine love to stand next to it.
I have started freezing 2 liter soda bottles about 2/3 full of water. They will fit into the waterer and last longer than ice cubes. Will try the same with 2 liter bottles and water nipples this week. It is going to be 102 Wednesday and around 100 the rest of the week.

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