It there a min. age for Sevin Dust?

More proof that DE isnt all that great. Yes, you can use sevin dust on your chicks. Just put a little bit of the dust on 2 or 3 fingers and gently rub it in on them. Dont get any in their nostrils nor eyes. Redust them in 10 days in the same manner. I dont recommend ivermectin due to their young age.

I will try that in the a.m. I don't suppose they would be really infested only being out there a few days but I don't want a small problem to get huge!

I use flea spray, but only a little under each wing and 1 spray on the tail. works good
you can also use the all natural one for cats, it smells really good. sells it.
Dusting chickens with sevin is a labelled use. I make sure all nests with broodies are liberally coated with sevin. Mites and lice love broodies because they don't move around and dustbathe. And mites and lice can transfer to chicks--and kill chicks faster than you can imagine.
Well it's been 2 days since I sprayed sevin and also used ivermectin on my chickens and ducks and all is well. I even looked over 2 chickens ruffled feathers etc. and no mites on them or me [thank the Lord] I hated to use chemicals but didn't have much choice, just thankful all is well. I am going to be sure to do it all again in 2 weeks in case if eggs hatching. Hope this helps anyone who maybe having a problem with mites.

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