It was all a whirlwind!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 11, 2015
I am brand new to the chicken world. I have been researching for almost a year. The coop is just about finished. I have been pricing things and picking out the perfect breeds. I have been stalking my local feed stores. Today I found out tractor supply had Chicks!!!! I called my husband and told him to meet me there after work/school.

My boys and I ran in and there they were peeping and looking so cute and cuddly. Then the help came. She asked what I needed supply wise and walked with me to the chicken isle. Like I said I have been reading, watching videos, and asking experienced owners questions but this lady through me for a loop. She started insisting that I buy all kinds of things that I didn't think I needed but she said I did. There were baby cakes, something for their water, grit, special shavings and the list went on. Before I knew it I had so much in the cart I didn't think I would be able to afford to buy the chicks. She also informed me that they had a six chick minimum. I started to second guess all my reading and wonder if I was really ready for this! I mean I thought I was ready but this employee's help was overwhelming me. She insisted on a certain feed and the large bag because it was more economical, even down to which pine shavings.

My husband showed up and I asked her to give us a minute. He started looking through the cart and putting things back that we didn't need. We went from about $80 in the cart to $20. Whew, I felt better.

Then we went back over to the chicks. They had Delaware and Rhode Island reds straight run and the two tubs of pullets were all mixed up. I asked her is she could help me and let me know which breeds were in the mix. She said no. Then she asked which ones I wanted. I told her I wanted to try and get different pullet breeds. She said okay. They had a fence around so I couldn't get near the chicks. I was hoping to actually pick mine out. Instead she just grabbed six and put them in and then said she would throw in a seventh for free which I thought was kind.

She then proceeded to tell us not to dilly dally but to get them straight home and squared away. It was a cool day in the mid 50s.
I rushed to the register and there was a line! I kept thinking oh my goodness this is taking to long! By the time I got into my car I was frazzled and unsure of what had just happened. My fantasy of going and picking the perfect chicks had been smashed. I didn't pick any of them. I have no idea what breeds I got. She assured me there were egg layers but couldn't tell me the breeds. I also got the spiel about salmonella, so I was a bit afraid to touch them. She told us not to handle them just put them in their brooder.

On the way home I was nervous and wondering If I had made the right choice. Then my youngest son, who was holding the box started giggling as he was holding them. I started listening to the peeping and my nerves started to calm down. I got them home successfully and in their brooder. They are eating and drinking and the temperature is great. They seem happy. They are awfully cute I just wish I knew what I had. Several are a reddish brown and 3 are yellow. I will post pictures when I can.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? Thanks for listening!
Here are the babies!
My tractor supplies do not allow customer contact with chicks as well. I believe they have to warn of salmonella, my mail order chicks had a big heavy paper in the box all colorful with that warning as well as a hand-washing warning after handling chicks. My TCS carrier normal breeds nothing special I wanted good layers and certain breeds so I mail ordered, but the hatchery called me and wow let me tell you when i got off the phone my head was doing a 360 LOL she filled my head with lots of information to care for the babies, heat temps, food type, even told me to partition my brooder off cause it was to big as they could get lost and not find there way back to the heat or food source ..Her exact words where " the little ones sometimes are not so bright " LOL

Electrolytes are helpful not necessary but very helpful especially if you mail order, I even hunted down corid my tractor supply had one bag left so i bought it just in case i needed it and that was not cheap but i have it on hand in the event I ever need it..

babycake that thing is 7 bux I got one a couple times one when they were little tiny tykes in the 1st two weeks as a treat but it also has good vitamins in it again mine were mail order so I had electrolytes and probotics in the water. The baby cake as a treat i would sit it in there 30 mintutes of the day for them to peck at it. But now ohh heck no ..I got one last week i accidentally forgot to pull it out the brooder before i left for work they are 5 weeks now let me tell you that thing was bare when i came back they ate the whole thing, thats the last babycake LOL

I think its normal to get overwhelmed, i read so much stuff my head did loops after awhile and all the stuff just got all mixed up that i was lost LOL

Welcome and enjoy your babies.
I can understand how confusing it all is, like any new thing. I hatch and sell chicks locally, and I make sure to do a lot of "pre-sales" consultation via email or phone. Businesses can't afford to do that (I sometimes send potential customers elsewhere because I don't have exactly what they want - after I load them up with free advice). My goal is to make my customers successful, but also to make them my friends.

I would urge you to get active here on BYC, especially in your "state thread" in the social forums. Experienced chicken keepers are a remarkably helpful lot, they will answer questions and make suggestions, maybe even save you money.

One day soon, you'll also be one of us "experts" and you'll be helping other new chicken keepers - and loving every moment of it.
WOW what a busy, exciting and stressful day for you. Congrats on your new babies. That are super cute. Everyone says that TS mainly carries the most popular and common brands. I am no specialist at all but I would say that the 3 yellow ones are probably Buff Orpingtons. (Fingers crossed) because they are supposed to be the bomb as a lap chicken in addition to being a great layer and good for meat. I have 3 that are only 4weeks old. They were what I wanted most. The reds might be Rhode Island reds. Supposed to be GREAT egg layers and very hardy. I had 2 of them that were 7weeks old. One was calm and relaxed, unfortunately the dog got that one. :( the other one was CRAZY and aggressive and we returned her to where we got her. I have been told that they are the most popular for egg production but can be independent and sometimes mean.
I started feeding mine by hand at 2 days old. Just put some meal worms in your hand and lay it flat in the bottom of the cage. They will go crazy. Haha we call it chicken football.
Also my 4 kids hold/play with the chicks every day and as long as they wash they wash their hands I am sure they will be fine.

Good luck. Enjoy ur new babies
Llooks like you have Reds and maybe Buffs. I have 8 RIR's and only have one who is a little independent. Mine are not aggressive and will follow me around when I let them out of run for about an hour each day. You are in for a great adventure. I take 5 gal. bucket, turn it upside down and watch their antics....great stress reducer.
Welcome to the roller coaster of chicken keeping and BYC!!

Great story, well told.

It's too bad you kinda got steam rolled by that employee, glad your husband was able to temper the situation a bit and that you're all now enjoying your new chickies.

It's big learning curve but alot of fun...Enjoy!
Quote: From now on, refer to it as 'a' coop, not 'the' coop, "the" coop implies there will only be one!

You know you're going to need at least 1 or 5 more...Oh, you didn't know that? hehehe...Naivety can be so cute!
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that TSC worker sounds like she was either way too overzealous or trying to hardsell you into buying more things, taking advantage of someone new to chicken sorry you had to deal with that. For starters, I believe packaged grit isn't necessary for chicks on a commercial feed because it typically has some grit mixed in (someone correct me if i'm wrong).

my local TSC also keeps the brooders behind a short "fence" area so customers cant go touch them willy-nilly, but theyre still viewable from above and we've always been able to communicate to the workers exactly which specific chicks to pick out. So it's pretty odd (or rude) of her to just grab a random mix without even bothering to ask which ones you'd prefer.
Still, i'm sure you will enjoy them regardless! and maybe get to add more in the future ;)

i wouldn't be worried about touching them, as long as you practice the basic hygiene rules (dont put chicks near mouth/face, always wash hands after handling them! or anything theyve dirtied)

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