It's All About Chicken Math...... What is it and How Can you Learn????


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
Pumpkinpup and I have always said "It's All About the Chicken Math"

We have been known to travel great distances to pick up Chickens. On one of those trips, that ended up with us both being up over 20 hours straight and traveling over 800 miles, we came up with "Chicken Math"

Here is the first Installment in the "Rules" for this New Math specifically for Chicken Lovers.

Chicken Math Rules

#1) 2 Bantams = 1 Large Fowl

#2) 4 Chicks = 1 Bantam therefore 8 Chicks = 1 LF

#3) If 4 Chicks = 1 Bantam and you bring home less than 4 how many do you have? The correct answer is Zero!

#4) Eggs also count as Zero, why you ask? BECAUSE.......
You can't count your chickens before they hatch

I hope this gives you a good introduction into Chicken Math. Now go Forth and begin to count your Chickens, I bet you find you have less than you thought.

Stay Tuned for future lessons!
A friend of mine is brand new to chickens, having only gotten her first 2 chicks last week. Her coop only fits two. Soooo... guess how many she's getting next week? Yup: two more.

My flock started out with 3. Then I added 1. I'm getting 2 more next week. Then 2 more in May.

Don't you love how 2+2=2 and 3=3+1+2+2?
Rule# 5 Free Chicks/Chickens do not count

Say someone gives you 10 free chicks and at the same time you buy 2 Bantam Adults. How many chickens did you get?

Correct Answer is : 1
Hmm...I wonder if we could use this logic on the city people if we get in trouble for having more chickens than allowed...(1/2 acre and we are only allowed 10...pooey!).
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