Hey Smartie Pants,

You & your mom gave me some ducks. I met you & your mom at your Aunt Rene's. Would you like a Silkie pullet and a rooster? I can hook you up with some eggs in the spring.
How long has she been sitting for all ready ?? Just keep an eye on her, not a great thing for them to sit and sit !!!
Sorry to hear about your loss...

If I still had my gorgeous roo around to fertilize my Ameraucana's eggs, I'd send you some free of charge... Unfortunately, the neighbor's hound forced his way through a weak spot in the run fencing this past summer and killed 8 of 9 hens and my roo. Right now I'm trying to hatch my first batch of silkies to keep her company. Poor, lonely, traumatized girl...
I cried for hours when my one and only kiki pipped but died in the shell. It was my 15 year anniversary but DH and I are separated right now. It just made losing my chickie even harder.
I'm in my teens, and we've had our flock for almost 2 years. Last month we had our first death in the flock. My little Sultan male had been sick since November and we kept him in the basement under a brooder lamp with food and water and gave him plenty of love. He had an upper Respiratory Infection and we were treating him with powdered medication which wasn't working. One night I left him with an empty food container in his cage and he got his head stuck in it. I went downstairs the next morning before school to check up on him and on my way down, I called: "Wake up Fuzzy, my little sunshine!" I saw he wasn't standing and saw that his head was trapped in the contaner. He sufficated and I knew he must have been in alot of pain.

Please, please don't cry too much over something you had no control over. It wasn't your fault. I've been having alot of grief for days and days and weeks about this. He's burried in the yard and I can visit him however often I wish, but it feels like I'll never really pay off my dues.

Our first loss and I'm to blame for a stupid, irresponsible act.

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