It's rat carnage out there!!!

I first posted this story back in 2009. Our mousing skills haven't improved all that much. Thought you would like the story though.

Our first mouse experience was about a year ago. Max the Mighty Hunter kitty had more or less scared the little buggers away with his ferocious presence. I was getting pretty secure in our mouse-less existence. Almost smug even... until one morning about 2am when I woke up to strange kitty noises coming from the bathroom. Hmmmmm. I stumbled out of bed (not at my coherent best at that time of day) and managed to get shoes on (because as we all know having shoes on protects you from the ferocious little beasts). I flipped the light on (imposing in my nightgown and tennis shoes) and jumped out of the way. Max the Cat was chasing a mouse from corner to corner. EEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! I hollered for my imaginary DH, then cursed once again my bad dating luck. Yet another project I was going to have to tackle myself. My first inclination was to turn the light off and let Max have his fun. He's an indoor cat and just lives for these moments. But Max has the disconcerting habit of bringing me his "kills". Normally these consist of slaughtered pony tail holders and twist ties, but I could totally see him messing with this mouse and then dropping a really annoyed (not dead) mouse up on the bed with me. At this point in his life Max has not actually ever killed anything. I didn't so much trust him. I was going to have to Take Care of the Mouse. Sigh.
My first thought was to get the shop vac out and suck the little devil up for future wild release. (Please note above comment about not being terribly coherent in the middle of the night.) In case you were wondering, a shop vac in the midst of a mouse battle does NOT suck up the mouse. They are quick little buggers. All it does is scare the willies out of the cat and wake up the dogs. The mouse did run under the upstairs door though and, I thought, make his escape to the outside world where he could amuse his mousie friends with tales of the crazy lady in the farmhouse. Not so. An hour later he was back and this time came to an unfortunate end. Max the Cat was clearly disgusted with my handling of the situation and he killed it before I could get out of bed.

Max has gotten faster at just killing them, although he does show a bizarre tendency to take them to the bathtub for his own personal mousie NASCAR event. He sits in the middle of the tub and occasionally swats at the mouse as it runs laps around the tub. If only he had a beer in his hands and screamed "Whoooooohooooooo"...
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I also used poison when my rat population got out of control. Silly me thought they would all bite the dust inside my workshop and coop where all the damage was. WRONG! I found bodies (some dead - some dying) everywhere. Only problem was I also found one half eaten. I freaked and immediately drove four dogs to the vet on a Sunday. I suspected it was my "very expensive" show Newfie puppy. Had her stomach pumped but nothing. Put all dogs on medication just in case. Nice expensive vet bill! I've been told the poison won't affect your pets if the rat ate it first but I've also been told not to believe that. The undigested poison could just as easily kill your own pets. Be VERY careful! I've gone back to the large plastic snap traps. I might also try the peanut butter/plaster of paris ball I've also heard of here. I'll just stick those in places I know the pets can't get to. Wish someone would invent chicken food that rats think is gross.
Thanks for sharing the post from 2009 -
I love the kitty NASCAR reference.

I know all too well about the middle-of-the-night, strange cat sounds, jump-out-of-bed in some state of disarray episodes - the only thing that is worse is having the not so dead mouse brought directly to you in bed. I have had a few competent (catch, quick kill and eat) mousers in the form of cats over the years but I seem to have hit a real dry spell of late.

Laura, it has happened several times now, frequently enough that it is clearly being done on purpose. I have no idea why he does it, but it obviously amuses him.
LMAO! Now there's a sweet combo...a rat and an opossum (which is nothing much more than the king of rats). Man, don't ever catch a possum in a live talk about stink!

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