It's The Final (Chick!) Countdown!


Jun 14, 2016
Seven days left till the chicks get here! They are coming from Cackle Hatchery. This is my first time receiving mail order chicks, so I'm nervous and excited. Oh, I can't wait!
Seven days left till the chicks get here! They are coming from Cackle Hatchery. This is my first time receiving mail order chicks, so I'm nervous and excited. Oh, I can't wait!

Ordering chicks is extremely nerve racking! I lost count of how many panic attacks I had the first time, lol. I've never ordered from cackle hatchery so please let me know how it goes. What breeds did you get?
I got 15 old english bantams (all wheaton) . It is nerve racking isn't it?!

Oh yes. I have 12? Laying hens and a Silkie (cotton) and a Muscovy duck (baby) . These are my first 'real' breeding project, although I did breed muscovys a year ago.
I just took possession of a Cuckoo Marans and three (make that four, they sent an extra!) Easter Egger Pullet/chicks myself today and all arrived eager and happily cheeping. All are doing fine in their new home. Every bit worth the $26 shipping cost. May your experience be as gleefull.

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