It's true, I hate my chick :(

After I finished drying my tears of laughter, I can now respond!!
Her personality will change somewhat when she reaches sexual maturity.
Unfortunately, chickens are individual and their personalities don't always conform to what is documented as standard.
I have two Welsummers and two Wyandottes, one silver laced and one gold laced. They are just shy of 11 weeks old. I can touch the GLW, but that's it. The SLW, Alecia, enjoys jumping into my lap and will allow me to pet her a little, but her full name is Alecia the Finger Pecker. Boy does she love that!
One Welsummer, Lola, is a sweetie and will allow me to pick her up, put her on my lap and pet her. Lola had a case of pasty butt and constipation I dealt with when she was a week old but she did not hold it against me when I cleaned her up. My second Welsummer, is Torvi, named after a viking shield maiden as she is a holy terror to the others. That's just way the personalities laid out.
I do not force contact with my chicks. I would sit on the floor in the coop when they were about the age yours are now and allow them to run across and jump up on my legs at their will. I would offer them treats and let them come to me or not.
Your little tyrant may soften but it just sounds like she is the head of the group and means business about it.
I'd put out at least two feed stations so the Wyandottes have a place to eat away from her.
Good luck.
WOW! Thanks so much for this response. I've also been spelling Welsummer wrong so that is good to know too:lau I think the double feeder is a great idea, I will definitely give that a shot!
I also don't pick up my chicks unless absolutely necessary, much like you I just sit with them and try to feed the gold laced while The Tyrant isn't looking. I'm afraid she's rather soured the breed for me though!

p.s Vikings is an awesome show, I've watched it all the way through but never thought I'd hear a chicken named after one of the characters!
Every chicken has a different personality. Also, as others have mentioned, often their personalities change once they hit maturity/start laying. Also you have to learn to respect boundaries and not push your luck. Some birds don't like being handled, period, and no amount of handling will turn those birds into lap chickens, in fact, it may just stress them out and upset them more. I have some birds I can easily catch and pick up and others that run for their lives. They were all raised the same. I don't mess with the timid ones, and as long as I ignore them, they actually will follow me around to see what's going on. Hopefully you and your birds will all learn to get along. That being said, if once they all hit maturity, if you still have a serious bully issue on your hands and the one is beating up the others, you may have to face the difficult decision of what to do with the bully. I'd give it time. Also, once they are out of the brooder and have more space and more interesting things to do, conflicts between the chickens may improve.
Thank you for the response!

We have a big yard with plenty of foraging area so it's definitely a comfort to know they will eventually be able to escape her haha. It will be interesting to see if her personality changes!

But just to clarify so the RSPCA don't come knocking, I definitely don't forcibly handle her. If I try to grab a water bowl in her general vicinity she will make a scene, the others don't even flinch. One minute after screaming at me like I murdered her family she will jump on me voluntarily and give me a death stare. When I'm trying to feed my hungry gold laced in secret and she spots this, suddenly she's not so scared of me anymore!

Anyway we'll see how things pan out, I haven't given up on her yet.
I had a chick like that a couple years ago. I called her Butthead because she was so mean to the other chicks. Eventually "she" started to crow and I figured out what the problem was. He was never a nice rooster, but he made a delicious broth.:lau
Like they always say, the meaner the rooster the tastier the broth!

Oh.. what? They don't say that?
Like they always say, the meaner the rooster the tastier the broth!

Oh.. what? They don't say that?
Hahaha...That's a good one. Well, I hated to lose him actually because he was beautiful. It is he in my profile picture. But, he was terribly mean to my hens and they come first. I can tolerate chicken behavior to an extent, but when I see bloody hens, or hens plucked bare with winter coming on, I feel protecting them is my job. And no one wants a rooster around here unless it's to make broth, and well, I might as well have the broth myself. :rolleyes:
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So to those who wondered if maybe Summer/ The Cretin was a little roo, here she is at 6 weeks. Unfortunately no side profile here but she still has her striped head marking and completely yellow comb.

Here she is pondering her next eye-peck attempt:

Here she is insulting her wyandotte siblings 'You look fat in those feathers, Golden.':

Here she is possessed by a demon:
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Here she is possessed by a demon prior to exorcism:
Does she do this often or involuntarily?
Makes me think of wry neck, which could add a component of neurological issues affecting her behavior.

Agrees comb to yellow for male at 6 wks, but would like a clear well lit shot of breast feathers.

Oh, and ....chickens do not 'hate'.....but Fear can manifest in Flight or Fight.
Does anyone think that raising roosters in a flock might work like African Cichlids? Only a few and you end up with one, many and they are so busy they all live. Give them a place to hide and they will all fight for it till you have one. I have my second batch of chicks arriving for about 60 birds, I think 5 roosters were ordered, plus the 10% mistakes on the layer rainbow basket assortments. That will probably bring it up to 8 roosters.
Does she do this often or involuntarily?
Makes me think of wry neck, which could add a component of neurological issues affecting her behavior.

Agrees comb to yellow for male at 6 wks, but would like a clear well lit shot of breast feathers.

Oh, and ....chickens do not 'hate'.....but Fear can manifest in Flight or Fight.


The demon possession has never happened before as far as I know, when I snapped the photo I didn't even know she did it. I looked back through the pictures I took and.... argh! Time for some hail Mary's.

I understand that maybe it's all out of fear. That makes me very sad considering how gentle and considerate I am with them, I have put in so many hours and never force them to do anything except from moving them outside from their grass back to the brooder for the cold night. She's also sometimes very confident and comes and walks all over me and other times very angry and flighty. Mean to the others but screams if she's away from them for a second. :(

I know it's not my fault and there's nothing I can do if that's 'her personality' but the main reason for getting these three was to make them friendly hens, comfortable with being picked up to get their wings clipped and check for illness. With our two big girls, we can sometimes pick up Eggon TargereHen but Eggritte just won't let us get near her.

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