I've gone over the edge- I'm a peeping thomasina!!


10 Years
May 26, 2009
Yep- my love of my chooks has sent me over the edge. Past the point of no return. I am such a peeping thomas-ina with a chicken addiction!

I bought, and installed, TWO, color, wireless, night vision capable cameras in my barn/coop!! Just so I can turn on my TV and watch Chicken TV while kicking back in the comfort of my king size!! Oh yeah, I did that. I am somewhat proud AND embarrassed. Proud to have it and to have had installed it myself, yet embarrassed to tell non-chicken people lest they discover just how INTO my flock I really am! (now I have to figure a way to hook themup to an alternative battery system since there is no electric out there and the 9 volt batteries only last so many hours unless I run out and unplug them and plug em back in all the time).

I know I'm not the only one to do it. I just cant be. I couldnt even bring myself to tell my DH how much the system cost, I just told him to consider my Christmas taken care of. He is still very suspicious.

I have to say, I LOVE IT!! Its so fun to see them just being chooks while no one is around them. Its like watching National Geographic, but on a much smaller, more feathery scale. So darned entertaining! The kids were soooo funny when we first got it going- pranks and silly behavior went on for hours!

Sooooo, anyone else have chicken cams going?
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This made me laugh! Unfortunetly yes that is something i would do!!
I think I'd like one. I find the way they behave when roosting to be extremely funny - they are absolutely comatose.
I like to watch mine on my game cam. I set it to take 3-picture sequences, so it's like watching in stop motion!!
I run out after work to get the cam and upload all my pix LOL
Ohhh, now I need detailed instructions on how to do that!! Oh wait, that might be a bad idea....it could turn into a horror show very quickly with how often I go out there in my jammies and flip flops sans a shower and make-up!

But still...could be fun for awhile. (at least, until I get nominated for one of those 'worst dressed' reality shows!!)

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