Ive got puppies-hop on the bandwagon

Super cute! If my dog had puppies I would have a hard time getting rid of them. I would want to keep them all!!! Congrats on the cuties
Gee, there are only 184,745 dogs in pounds/shelters due to irresponsable breeders and pet owners. No need to spay dogs you don't expect to get pregnant......

Sorry, just HAD to say that! Will delete if you ask (politely).

leave it i dont care

So, honestly. And I totally understand where you are coming from and why you feel the need to be defensive. No one likes to feel attacked. But was this litter an accidental breeding? Is this her first litter? I am curious as to why you feel so strongly that her having puppies is okay? Do you not feel that you, one person in millions on the planet, spaying your dog would make a difference in the grand sceme of things?
I used to feel the same way, what difference would it make?

You have to understand, the people here who are telling or asking or making you feel bad saying to spay her are not trying to be horribly mean or crazy PETA-like activists. They simply love animals, just like you, and it breaks their hearts to think of the millions put down every year in shelters that are unwanted and worried about the life of your dog, who very well could be affected by ovarian or uterine cancer or something...
Accidents happen, to even the best of us. So I think there is a BIG difference in saying:

"Yeah, she got tangled up with a neighbors dog or a stray when she was in heat but I had planned to have her spayed."


"Nah, who cares, this is her 3rd (2nd, 8th) litter and I like her having puppies!"....

Ya know?

The pups are adorable and so is the Mama. I wish them all a very long and happy life.
They're adorable, I absolutely love puppies.

I don't see how it would be a hard thing to find loving families, puppies usually go fast if you post ads on craigslist and in your local newspaper.

I have many mixed breeds in my household that were rescue situations. I don't see it being hard for you to find them a home.

Good luck with the little darlings!
No, finding them a home won't be a problem at all. That isn't the issue.

The issue is that the people who will take her puppies, won't be adopting a dog that really needs to be adopted from a shelter or even a private person (because we all know how those shelters can be extremely picky about who spends hundreds of dollars on their dogs!)...

The worry for people who are passionate is this subject is that the people clamoring for cute puppies are not adopting the dogs in need, who then move closer to death row. THEN it's that those people who wanted the cute puppies will get sick of them when they aren't cute anymore or will have some issue with them (housebreaking, etc.) and not be able to keep them, thus landing them in the pound/shelter...

Whew! Exhausting huh? A never-ending cycle.

Sadly, no matter HOW HARD you try to ensure that your animals that you adopt out whether adult or puppy/kitten go into stable good homes, there is no garuntee that those stable homes will still be stable in 5 years. When I adopt animals out I give an application two pages long, but I still know there are no promises when that animals leaves my care, even though I tell everyone who takes an animal from me that I will take it back if they encounter any problems.
Some people would still bring the animal to a shelter rather than call you and admit that they need to surrender the animal back to you.

It's a sad mess and I still worry about every animal I have ever rescued and adopted out.
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Ok folks, I don't think farcusgirl, opened this thread to start a debate, I think she just wanted to share her GOOD news. Lets not pester her with spaying posts. Lets celebrate in her excitement
, after all they are adorable, and I'm sure she will make sure each one has a wonderful family..... Hint hint... Even if it involves a trip to Cali..... Hint Hint! LOL
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Really not trying to be defensive. I just dont care about peoples opinion on this topic right now. All three of my animals (the dog was about to be) were homeless animals that I took in, they werent the first and wont be the last, although I know my usband wishes they were. I know the staggering numbers of animals in shelters, the numbers put down because they are un-adoptable. I wish I could give a home to every animal I see. I suppose I could take my 8 out of the equation and drown them in the bucket...

I didn't start this thread so I could be scolded and preached to. I started it because my dog was in labor and I was excited. Not to debate the importance of spaying and neutering pets (not that it ISNT important, the whole experience and all I promise I am totally aware), not to discuss the difficulties in finding homes for black dogs, ect...just yay I have puppies.

So YAY I cant get anything done around here for holding them either!
I think that people just wanted to make sure that you weren't knowingly breeding recklessly, you know? It is a touchy topic and when you post on a public forum that has 25,000+ members you are putting yourself right out there in the open for anyone to comment on. That doesn't mean that you are always going to hear things you like.
I wasn't trying to stir things up, I just wanted you to understand how everyone feels and know that I and others understand how you feel.

I adore puppies. Savor that puppy breath!

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