Ivermectin Experiment


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
Noticed just now that this hen has eye lice, so decided to take to pictures and video before treating with ivermectin.

And two videos:

She is a 2015 peahen that weighs 3.2 kg and was given 0.15 ml of 1.87% ivermectin paste, which works out to ~0.9 mg/kg.

This is a picture someone sent to me. Bird was treated with ivermectin and lice disappeared.

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What breed is this?
I assume you will update with dosage and application details?
My bad! She is a 2015 peahen that weighs 3.2 kg and was given 0.15 ml of 1.87% ivermectin paste, which works out to ~0.9 mg/kg.

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Next experiment...

Going to mix some amount of injectable in water, then tube that water and see if it treats lice.

Lice are back?
Not on the ones treated. This experiment is to figure out how water soluble the ivermectin is. Just need to find something that has lice.


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