Ivermectin use in cats?

Early on Scaredy was nearly caught by a coyote. I now know when there is a coyote working the area because she will either stay on top of one of my pigeon lofts or on the deck railing. Her sleeping coop is back by the dog pens so she is safe there.
Well I hope you get another 10 years with her! I been doing what needs done with our coyote population, downsizing them. 🤷‍♀️ our most recent stray, Montey. He is actually scheduled to be neutered next week. He was extremely feral but over the last year, has come around, and now let's me pet him, pick him up, and bring him inside for the night.
@Mmanist it took 7 or 8 years before I could touch Scaredy. She was more wild and terrified than the truly wild animals in my back yard. I still will not attempt to pick her up as I am certain she would bite, and I have been unable to get her rabies vaccinated. She must have been spayed somewhere along the line as she has never had kittens.
The 'crippled feral' showed up again tonight. She is reluctant to come near the house so I leave a cup of feed in the middle of the back yard. Tonight she even ate as I watched her through the large bathroom windows - picture windows into the back yard. Generally when she detects any motion in the house she takes off. She (I think) is as terrified as Scaredy used to be.
The 'crippled feral' showed up again tonight. She is reluctant to come near the house so I leave a cup of feed in the middle of the back yard. Tonight she even ate as I watched her through the large bathroom windows - picture windows into the back yard. Generally when she detects any motion in the house she takes off. She (I think) is as terrified as Scaredy used to be.

Poor little thing, glad she at least let you watch her Sour!
Scaredy and Maggie Mae confronted one another through the sliding deck door yesterday. Maggie has seen her from a distance when outdoors and has not reacted. I think Scaredy growled at her and ticked Maggie off.

Good thing there was a door between them :lol:

How is Scaredy dealing with all the snow Sour?
Scaredy and Maggie Mae confronted one another through the sliding deck door yesterday. Maggie has seen her from a distance when outdoors and has not reacted. I think Scaredy growled at her and ticked Maggie off.
I have a feral who does the same thing with my barn cat. The feral is just like your Scaredy Cat. I set food out for him and he comes up to the porch to wait on me but he’s terrified of people and only comes at night. I’ve seen him and my barn cat interact a lot. Even bump noses and heads. She’s spayed, so I’m not worried, but I think he’s part of her litter or perhaps her father because al feral cats in the area were a result of an ‘accident’ the neighbors had with their two cats. I’m only concerned he may not be healthy. He’s skinny and I don’t think he belongs to anyone. I have 3 cats and i don’t want him to spread stuff, the issue is I can’t catch him

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