Ivermectin use in cats?

At feeding time she is coming within inches of me. It's not just the food - she is acting as if she wants to make contact. You know how cats will rub against your legs and purr -that's what it appears like. She will almost make contact and then steps back. I am afraid to touch her thinking I might scare her or she might bite me. What a difference from the terrified, starving creature that showed up 6 years ago. Since the coyote was shot she is far more interactive with me - running up the steps of the deck when she sees me and talking up a storm. She is in great physical condition and is doing great for a 6 + year old feral.

My Dear Sir Sour, it seems to me that you know how to run a good cat house.
Thanks for the update, and keep up the good work!
At feeding time she is coming within inches of me.  It's not just the food - she is acting as if she wants to make contact.  You know how cats will rub against your legs and purr -that's what it appears like.  She will almost make contact and then steps back.  I am afraid to touch her thinking I might scare her or she might bite me.  What a difference from the terrified, starving creature that showed up 6 years ago.  Since the coyote was shot she is far more interactive with me - running up the steps of the deck when she sees me and talking up a storm.  She is in great physical condition and is doing great for a 6 + year old feral.

So sweet! :love
If you just stand still, or squat, but don't reach out to her, maybe she will rub against you.
So sweet!

If you just stand still, or squat, but don't reach out to her, maybe she will rub against you.

That's going to be the next step. Any unusual movement on my part causes her to dart away so it may take a while for her to adjust to a squatting human. (or alien)
That's going to be the next step.  Any unusual movement on my part causes her to dart away so it may take a while for her to adjust to a squatting human.  (or alien)

You've been so patient with her. I have no doubt you will get there....within the next 4 years. :D
Hey Sour, Kudos to you for being there for her for so long and making a difference in her life. Even if she never rubs up against you and you never get to pat her, you two have a special and unique relationship. It is awesome that she is talking to you.

Just a thought .. have you tried playing with her at all? May be you could try slowly introducing a long length tease toy that does not require squatting or sudden movements on your part. You could start with just carrying it out when you feed her or leave it on the deck where she can see it all the time; gradually introducing it as an activity. It may help in keeping her around that little bit longer each day, increasing the amount of time you spend together and hopefully increasing her trust levels. Besides food and a chat, she would have another reason to enjoy your company.
We hosted Christmas at our house today. Our kids, their spouses and kids, and grandkids 'significant others'. One of the 'girlfriends' wanted to see Scaredy Cat and she was out by my truck. So I went out the deck and towards her feeding area. She raced towards me, took one look at the kid's girlfriend, did a u turn and ran under the truck. I guess only I am her person.
Happy Holidays Sourland!

I joined this page just to keep updated on Scaredy Cat!
I landed on this page searching for ivemectin dosages, but have become fascinated on the"tail" of Scaredy cat!
So please keep updated and would love to see a picture!
I feed 50 ferals in 9 locations at night in the Delray Beach, FL area. All are fixed.
Over the years I have gotten leg rubs from ones that started out hiding from afar!


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