Ivermectin use in cats?

As I have previously mentioned Scaredy does not like the snow. Around winter 3 or so a coyote nearly killed her in the deep snow. This morning when I gave the dogs their soup she bolted out of one of the coops that she sleeps in and bounded off to the safety of the pigeon coop. That girl can jump 10' even in 8 inches of snow. Later I saw her slowly making her way back to her sleeping box.
I could see her tracks in the snow, but she did not come to greet me. Just now she was on the deck so I took some old cold cuts out to her. I put them in the food bowl, and it happened. She arched her back and rubbed against my hand.
I stood still, she repeated and I very gingerly petted her - she started purring. I am stoked.

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Fans of Scaredy, posting of pictures is thanks to Sumi
. We e mailed her the pictures, and she posted them for me. Isn't she beautiful ? The look on my face tells the whole story. This has been 7 years in the making, and she is no longer 'the feral cat named Scaredy' she is my pet, and she trusts me - at least sort of.

Because of her reaction once we made contact, I am developing a whole new hypothesis as to her story. She was winding between my legs, talking and purring up a storm. She must be spayed because she has never had kittens. Her ear is not clipped so maybe she is not a trap/neuter/release. Perhaps she was a pet who got lost, terrified and ended up here ?

I felt that this was going to happen but wasn't quite sure.
The Princess is photographing through the window, and I looked at her like, "Can you freaking believe this?" I had taken her some cold cuts earlier, and she rubbed against me and allowed me to pet her so I decided to try again and have the Princess photograph if it should happen. After I petted her, she wound through my legs rubbing against me, purring and talking up a storm. She's been a very lonely girl for 7 years.

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