JamesA, Couple Pics of Your Delaware Babies


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
The green dots are how I marked each baby as I saw it take a drink on its own. The baby in the last pic looks like it's been into the motor oil--just call it Smudge!



Does anyone have pics of Delaware adolescents(4 weeks). In my MPC brown egg assortment I got a yellow baby which has developed darker areas. I'll get a pic tomorrow when the sun is out. They are sleeping now. Shh
My babies are the prettiest things I have ever seen.They sure do look healthy.Tell them Daddy will be there Saturday to pick them up.Oh and don't start naming them or you may change your mind about selling them to me
What I have found about the Delawares is that they are fearless! I have an old serving spoon that I use to stir the shavings around and scoop poop. In the past, chicks have been frightened and run to the other side of the brooder. The Delawares chase the spoon and some little rooster-wanna-be's attack it. They are just a delight to have, but I'm preparing to turn them over to their new dad.
They are being fed good quality starter grower, have alternately had a pinch of AviaCharge 2000 or organic, unfiltered ACV in their water. They've been getting some scrambled, chopped up egg every day and boy, that is a circus when they start diving in. It's like a bunch of fuzz-butted sharks in a feeding frenzy! You put your hand in the brooder and they are all over it and up your arm. Fun chicks!
Hahaha, that is one problem with this feeder, but we duct-taped the opposite side, over all the holes, so at least, there is only one side to poop in. This feeder wastes less feed than the regular one.
I really like the duct tape idea!

Get there fast James because these guys are too cute for their own good!

Breaking News! New Hampshire woman attempts chicknapping. Cynthia kicks butt!

FYI everyone....I'm just being silly. I would never do such a horrible thing.
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Such pretty babies!

Love the duct tape on the "other side of the feeder"! That is a great idea to keep one side from being used as the "rest stop" area.

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