Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

Woke up to 6 baby's running around the incubator this morning, only one hatched the night before- what a wonderful surprised. The last one just hatched( with a little help from me). Ended up with 4 lavender orpington's out of 8 shipped eggs. And 3 mutts from my neighbor. A big thank you to everyone on this thread- this was my first incubation and I learned how to candle, deal with humidity, temp and helping chicks out. What an incredible source of knowledge on this forum - for the chicken lover!
it's snowing here today but when it's warmer I'll get a picture of my araucana's....1 that has had 1 tuft on 1 check since she was a few days old is finally getting a tuft on the other cheek
I have some 'Araucanas' in the incubator. The guy said some tufts, some none, most rumpless and not all blue eggs. I just got them for variety to add to my egg flock. At least he was honest. None of the eggs were blue. I think a lot of guys don't know the difference between blue, aqua and mint green . I have argued over color a few times. Women say green and men say blue. My friend thought she was going crazy because her husband and foster daughter said green and she saw blue. The other two turned out to be color blind. Now she asks me for back up.

is Max old enough to date already?? seems like yesterday chickydee and I were up waiting for an update because he got too cold and we worried so!
He was trying to 'date' the remote control and his stuffed dog. I thought the real thing might be better. My baby is growing up. He waited for me tonight. There was no way he was sleeping out there again.

turkeys are more interested in showing off then girls. I had a Tom that loved- but may not have been in love with a little bantam hen. they would stand and eat she would stand between his legs and eat, he would lose it if any hen was mean to her.
That is so sweet. Max is too jealous of anyone else right now. I am hoping for him to transfer a little of his affection on a possible mate. I love him but I think he will be happier with a hen.

HOLY CRAP I have like six pages to catch up on!!!! I have been in hatching land for the last 36hrs.. feels like four days have passed LOL
I can never sleep when there's hatching in progress

almost all the chicks are out! sadly 1 died in shell before I could assist it :(
and there is 1 egg left who has pipped internally but not externally. it's a large egg so I am giving it a little extra time!

and now... pictures!!!!!!!!

and gracefully lands on the floor

I'm in love!!!
I love the top picture. How to you like this type of heat source?
its 17 here...my 8 week olds are out there...tonight I filled an empty 1 gallon water jug with scalding hot water and set it next to where they huddle...I put and empty soda bottle full of hot water with the expectant mama out there

worst thing here is it usually drops down to that temp in the night but usually gets back up to the 30's in the day...stayed in the teens for over 24 hrs...my guys with the big combs and wattles suffered some frost bite by the time I noticed at bed time one was bleeding( bad mother) brought him in, cleaned him up, put neosporin on the owies and vicks on all the boys combs and wattles my poor baby's
the guy with the bad bleed is a crested cream legbar
but I have phoeniex roo with huge comb and wattles and a lavender orp with fairly large comb...all slathered in vicks
the brahmas do great with their peacombs
Got a pretty dumb question. I just need confirmation cuz after my HUGE loss this week I guess I don't trust myself. My incubator was running 10 degrees low (I didn't know it). I went and bought 2 new thermo/hygrometers (One for back up). Im trying to get my forced air bator ready for tomorrows eggs. I put both thermometers in the bator. One says 99 and one says 97. I can't up the temp on the bator, it is at its max. Wouldn't want to anyway. Soooo my question is. Should I just average it out at 98 degrees. Will that be sufficient heat? I don't how important a degree or two is to the overall hatch. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Got a pretty dumb question. I just need confirmation cuz after my HUGE loss this week I guess I don't trust myself. My incubator was running 10 degrees low (I didn't know it). I went and bought 2 new thermo/hygrometers (One for back up). Im trying to get my forced air bator ready for tomorrows eggs. I put both thermometers in the bator. One says 99 and one says 97. I can't up the temp on the bator, it is at its max. Wouldn't want to anyway. Soooo my question is. Should I just average it out at 98 degrees. Will that be sufficient heat? I don't how important a degree or two is to the overall hatch. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

that's gonna be too low
99.5-101.5 is necessary or you'll have probable deformities
I am on day 13 and I just candled my eggs. All 21 are moving and appear healthy. This is my first hatch and I am worried from other stories I have read from others that everything was great until hatch day. I have kept a steady 99-100 temperature until tonight. Do the eggs cause the temperature to rise after they develop to a certain point? The humidity is staying around 40% but I need to add water more often. I think the cold dry weather here in the desert is causing that. I go on lockdown on Tuesday.
:he  So crap. We lost power yesterday morning about 6:30 am. didn't wake up until 8:15. 
Got the bator wrapped in towels and next to our woodstove. Except you can't regulate that heat very well so I've either chilled or cooked them. :barnie    power came back on about an hour ago. Got it plugged back in, realized they're supposed to go into lockdown tonight, tapped off the water well and am just gonna step back and cross my fingers. :fl .
Hope everyone else is have a less stressful go of it!

Im pretty stressed out myself. So itjust rained here in los angeles california and i habe a broody silkie hen with three silkie eggs only. A little water fell on her so i moved in brode day light to a new dry nest. She stayed there but im afraid she will get up in the morning and abandon her eggs. Anybody know if this will happen?

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