Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long


The yolk is darker in person... Day 10, why is there no veins?! We have a big air cell... I don't think the eggs are going to hatch :(.

Compared to egg that hasn't been in bator.
Should I open up the egg that has a really bad porous shell?

I'm to lazy to re type so I'm quoting my self.

If #8 is on day 10 then it is a dud. You can toss it.
Ok! What to do...
do you have a fireplace or woodstove? You can heat up bottles or pint jars of water for warmth and rotate them in the incubator...
OR even put the bator next to the woodstove... this is what I would do if mine went out...
the heating pad is a great idea.
also I remember when heidisgran used towels wrapped around her incubator, it made the temperature go up so maybe if you use the water bottles you could wrap it in towels too.
ummmm... do you have any old lamps you could take apart?
home made incubators use a lightbulb for heat so maybe something along those lines.
good luck !!! please keep us posted

Oes I am so sorry to hear that
if you want I can help talk you through the method I use, which is dry incubation
it is not truly completely dry, but you aim for 25-45% humidity (I like 30%) for the first 18 days and then go up to 55-65% during lockdown. I have had the best hatch rates with this method. there is a link in my signature with more information, I hope it helps
again so sorry, I relate to your feelings completely *hugs*

That is exactly what the Humidity level is already in the Bator - it is between 55-65% And with the water trough under the eggs half full of water all the way through until Day 18 I would reckon it would sit about the 25/30 mark so we are not far off what you do! This is the Bator instructions and this time I followed it to the letter and right enough the temp and humidity levels where what the instructions said they should be at for the hatch. Clearly - something is very wrong - DARN!

The eggs are heavey so I think something is deffinately in them? Thing is it wont come out and I sure have a bad feeling it is just slow cooked scrambled eggs! Still nothing again!!!! Waiting until Friday and then ditching/ eggtopsy. I think if they were going to hatch it would have happened by that stage. - Will let you know of course if we have anything that resembles a chick in any of them.

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aww I'm sorry! do you candle?
I didn;t bother to candle this time - last time I did I was convinced what I saw in the eggs were developing chicks getting bigger and they moved. Turned out to be slow cooked scrambled eggs. Yuck!!!! Honest it did look like Chicks? Darn can you imagine that - 3 week cooked scrambles and it didn't smell and looked like breakfast! I didn;t want to candle this time - I didn;t want to get attached!
Should have grilled bacon!

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You can tell for sute if they started or not by cracking them open & checking for tiny embryos & veins.

3 of the eggs I cracked where scrambled. The other one seemed to have quit on day 3. The other one didn't start.

I left 4 promising eggs in the incubator.

These must have been shipped. Shipped eggs are much harder to hatch than your own or local. Shipped eggs take a beating before even making it to the bator.

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