Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

sorry about yours too

the egg was not the one pictured earlier.
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What is the best way to clean a styrofoam incubator? I have heard that people use bleach but that seems like it would be to harsh on the styrofoam.
I have one egg hatching! They aren't due to hatch until Wednesday but the one lone Willie egg is a couple of days early. I can hear "her" peeping away right now. She poked a big hole in the side of the egg, just where the air pocket is but she's taking a break before zipping it appears. I'm so anxious now about the hatch. I hadn't even added humidity before she started hatching! I added a damp rag and the humidity is up now. I am doing the dry incubation so I didn't have to worry about humidity until now.
Movement can be extremely hard to see those last few days. If it doesn't stink & the air cell looks good with no liquid visible in it then you should be fine. Even if the chick has died it still takes several days for it to begin to decompose. That decomposition will become obvious first around the air cell.
Thanks everyone for the ideas. I will candle at lockdown tonight then and if I see the air cell looking clear with no visible liquid in it, I will put it in lockdown and wait. I so want this chick to hatch because it is the only egg from my own flock. The rest are from a local breeder of Lavender Americaunas.

I will post later on how this turns out, Stinky or NOT to help others learning just as I am learning.

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I have used bleach water to clean my styro 'bator and it worked fine. Not straight bleach...I didn't like how strong it was. I've also used an antibacterial spray made from oregano oils and the next it in the sun for a couple of hours to dry. Any of those things worked for me.
What is the best way to clean a styrofoam incubator? I have heard that people use bleach but that seems like it would be to harsh on the styrofoam.

I soak the bottom in hot water in the sink to get the crusties and poops out... wash all that out... then I spray it with kitchen lysol and wipe it down with paper towels and let the lysol dry. then put it away. I usually lysol it again before I use it next, too. for the top with the electrical stuff, I just wipe it out no soaking.
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all of you need to stop posting the bad things/proportions of your hatch! i'm getting afraid tht mine won't! plus im one of those impatiant ppls..

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