Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

I am sorry- first time- I will be more careful.

this thread is for all hatching highs and lows...questions and answers

Gimmie birdies...if you click on the tab on the bottom of a post your responding to marked "quote" we'll know who your responding to
I had one chick left ready to hatch. There is not one good reason it has hung in there through all this
but it has....... really...............temp dropping to 80 several times, then up to 100 then down again, humidity 40.............
Anyway, removed the top of the egg...will complete the job if it cannot finish on it's own......
Once again, this little one obviously did not read the book........................
i was worried for one of my day 18 egg and was candling, my son was visiting and about to leave- I went to put egg back and dropped it. my first ever dropped egg.
I hate when I've done that! It's also the reason my blacksmith boyfriend is no longer allowed to handle my hatching/incubated eggs. He's dropped 5 of them over the past 2 years at various stages *sighs* Forgive yourself and keep going, it stinks but no one blames you!

I have one egg hatching! They aren't due to hatch until Wednesday but the one lone Willie egg is a couple of days early. I can hear "her" peeping away right now. She poked a big hole in the side of the egg, just where the air pocket is but she's taking a break before zipping it appears. I'm so anxious now about the hatch. I hadn't even added humidity before she started hatching! I added a damp rag and the humidity is up now. I am doing the dry incubation so I didn't have to worry about humidity until now.
ooh ooh *grabs popcorn* chick tv! Settle in for the cuteness!
What is the best way to clean a styrofoam incubator? I have heard that people use bleach but that seems like it would be to harsh on the styrofoam.
I use bleach. Delute ( sry sp) to about 1 Tbs. per quart of water . I leave it three minutes then rinse.............
I spray the lid with a fine mist being careful around the motor..............
I run the incubator until the odor is gone when it is to cold to put it out in the sun.............
These must have been shipped. Shipped eggs are much harder to hatch than your own or local. Shipped eggs take a beating before even making it to the bator.

They where from our flock. I wonder how they got scrambled then?

Sounds like someone handled them a bit to roughly maybe?

These must have been shipped. Shipped eggs are much harder to hatch than your own or local. Shipped eggs take a beating before even making it to the bator.

They where from our flock. I wonder how they got scrambled then?

could your eggs have been exposed to some extreme weather?

Wondering if freezing partially without cracking the shell will break the yolk?

What is the best way to clean a styrofoam incubator? I have heard that people use bleach but that seems like it would be to harsh on the styrofoam.

I sit my base in the tub, squirt in a bit of dishsoap & a dab of bleach (white vinegar also works), run the shower over it as hot as possible, let it soak for an hour or sp & then rinse. Make sure to let it air dry for a day or 2 but to make sure the chickens can't get to it. Chickens eat styrofoam. For the lid, wipe down with bleach water or vinegar water & allow to dry.
I had one chick left ready to hatch. There is not one good reason it has hung in there through all this
but it has....... really...............temp dropping to 80 several times, then up to 100 then down again, humidity 40.............
Anyway, removed the top of the egg...will complete the job if it cannot finish on it's own......
Once again, this little one obviously did not read the book........................

come on little survivor!!

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