Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

Thursday is lock down for me woohoo I think I'm most excited to see my silkies but seeing my ees and polish will rock as well fixing to construct plastic dividers for my incubator out of 2 liter soda bottles so I will be able to keep my Ees seperated from the barnyard mix my brother has me hatching for him

woo hoo!! I have some due Thurs....they have pipped today
My eggs go on lockdown tomorrow!! It is my first hatch, I am so excited!  I have noticed that a lot of people mark their air sac.  Is this so they know where the chick will pip?  Should I mark them all tonight?  Hopefully I will have chicks soon.

thanks I have 8 still in the incubator on day 18 don't touch don't touch!!!!
I'm on day 18th tomorrow. Yeee finally.

look what I found in the hatcher bator

buff dundotte!
Sounds like someone handled them a bit to roughly maybe?
Wondering if freezing partially without cracking the shell will break the yolk?
I sit my base in the tub, squirt in a bit of dishsoap & a dab of bleach (white vinegar also works), run the shower over it as hot as possible, let it soak for an hour or sp & then rinse. Make sure to let it air dry for a day or 2 but to make sure the chickens can't get to it. Chickens eat styrofoam. For the lid, wipe down with bleach water or vinegar water & allow to dry.


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