Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

I have 5 bantum eggs that were shipped, but the other 16 are a mix from my backyard flock. I have candled occasionally and they are all moving good. Last night they didn't move as much, but I think they just don't have a lot of room to move. When the egg pips, is it usually obvious or I will I have to really be looking to find it?

eventually the pip will be obvious! sometimes they knock really good and sometimes it like a little dent sticking out....sometimes the bantams hatch a day or 2 early so keep watching bator tv lol
Well today is day 12 for my hen and her eggs and all seems to be ok. She lets me pet her and talk to her but no touch the eggs, should find out around the 20th or 21st what we have, She has made it through all the cold weather here in sunny OK, HA!!!! We have an oil heater in there for them. Wish I could see some sun. Need to clean out the chicken house the end of this week when they are predicting sun, so I can get the cage ready for the mama hen and babies when they hatch. Will take pictures of them.



I have a little frizzle out in the coop in a dog crate ( she has freedom to get out of it) she hatched a chick in this icy weather and the second egg is chirping this morning....woo hoo for natural child birth...
the other night it got below 20 so I stuck a bottle of hot water in the crate with her!!
Actually, there have been some studies done that show fertility & development are really not affected much by x-ray. There is a guy on here who is working on establishing a nice breeding flock in the Philipines who flies his eggs out of California in his luggage, all of which gets x-rayed & still gets some really great hatch rates. Check out his thread if you get a chance. It's called "Getting the flock out of here. Diary of a crazy chicken guy."
If you search "Getting the flock out of here" it will pull right up. I'm on my cell so can't copy/paste the link.

That's oz, here on BYC, He is on the old folks thread. Fun guy. :)
can you put a thermometer on the pad to see what temp it gets too

This is a great idea. Once you know how warm it's running, you can either just put a light towel over it for the eggs, or a heavier one to make it less warm. Don't really need it real warm during lock down. Place some damp cloths over it during lock down? Just a thought. Hop you can get that bator fixed!
I have heard reports all across the board about hatching eggs that get xrayed not developing properly, or coming out fine... The point is, much like I don't want my food irradiated like they do in China, I don't want my hatching eggs xrayed. I'd simply rather not take the risk when I have heard things like "every batch of chicks that's shipped to me and xrayed hatched with crossed beaks" etc. And USPS xrays every package that isn't labeled things like "hatching eggs do not xray". :p I know when I get a roo I will post similar things on my boxes.
Any ideas?
The heating element went out on my hatcher.........Dang..............
Pretty sure I have eggs that are hatchable........
First cup of coffee...can't think..................
Temp down to 85.........
Maybe I will just lose them..........................
I don't know if a heating pad would get them warm enough?????????
Of course I have two more batches in the incubator...........
Ok! What to do...
do you have a fireplace or woodstove? You can heat up bottles or pint jars of water for warmth and rotate them in the incubator...
OR even put the bator next to the woodstove... this is what I would do if mine went out...
the heating pad is a great idea.
also I remember when heidisgran used towels wrapped around her incubator, it made the temperature go up so maybe if you use the water bottles you could wrap it in towels too.
ummmm... do you have any old lamps you could take apart?
home made incubators use a lightbulb for heat so maybe something along those lines.
good luck !!! please keep us posted
He is not my Roooooooooooo He is my sister in laws Rooo and he is a big ol' nasty guy!

Still nothing here - I feel dun with trying as this is my third NONE Hatch out of that Bator. - The one Hubby made in the garage was better as it gave me at least 2 live chicks - darn they were Rooooos and I had to give them away! What I need is a good old Broody hen like my old Bertha! I miss my Bertha RIP


Oes I am so sorry to hear that
if you want I can help talk you through the method I use, which is dry incubation
it is not truly completely dry, but you aim for 25-45% humidity (I like 30%) for the first 18 days and then go up to 55-65% during lockdown. I have had the best hatch rates with this method. there is a link in my signature with more information, I hope it helps
again so sorry, I relate to your feelings completely *hugs*

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