Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

yes but I don't think that thermometer was accurate as the one next to it is reading 100 so I had been adjusting according to the 106 one that could explain my lack of hatching I think

Have you been hand turning..or touching the eggs to feel for warmth? I would think that you would know if it was at 116. They would be pretty hot to touch. You have probably been at 100 which is good.
Like Silkie said, and you probably already know, don't float test those cracked eggs!

yeah I knew not to float test the cracked eggs I did see movement in one of the eggs prior to the incident. Most of the eggs are looking alot more developed compared to day 18 some are so dark that I can only see the clear area in the air cell area there have not been any internal pips I increased the humidity some but really thinking that I may have another horrible out come kind of getting burned out. I did not have a temperature spike but rather believe because I tested with multiple thermomters that I may have been having really bad readings initially from a faulty thermometer my luck has to change at some point right? Should I float test tonight or wait a couple more days? the last batch I had fully formed chicks with absorbed yolk sacks that died can I do an assisted hatch with out an internal pip?
Mine was the one that survived a 116°F spike. Sa's have been running a constant temp but a few degrees high. That would not be nearly as noticable as a spike when checking by feel for temp.
Well guys, sad news. I just eggtopsied 4 eggs. 3 were fully developed but dead in shell, one had even gone into the airsack. One looks like it quit about a week ago. The last egg pipped yesterday and was peeping and rolling like crazy, but my humidity had dropped to 15 some how, so I ended up removing the top of the shell and moistening the membrane. Now I've got one little lonely duckling in my brooder. It hadn't fully absorbed the yolk so it's just kinda chilling under the lamp, peeping and kicking it's feet like crazy.
Have you been hand turning..or touching the eggs to feel for warmth? I would think that you would know if it was at 116. They would be pretty hot to touch. You have probably been at 100 which is good.
Like Silkie said, and you probably already know, don't float test those cracked eggs!

I had noticed the eggs were actually cool to the touch the thermometer said 106 but according to the other thermometer it was reading 106 degrees warmer then it actually was. I had befor been keeping it at what that thermometer said was the 100-102 degree mark which in all actuality was only 94-96 degrees. Time will tell what will happen.
Oh my goodness, I thought I had read 116! Yep, that would be a problem. Yep. :/ Good luck, hopefully they are just taking their time absorbing everything.
I gave my daughter a baby duck once- just one, and she was sooo happy at first. then by the third day- she said " I can't eat sleep or anything, it is all about that duck! You take him." I think we got chickens for him to pal around with but he was a sweet duck.
Well guys, sad news. I just eggtopsied 4 eggs. 3 were fully developed but dead in shell, one had even gone into the airsack. One looks like it quit about a week ago. The last egg pipped yesterday and was peeping and rolling like crazy, but my humidity had dropped to 15 some how, so I ended up removing the top of the shell and moistening the membrane. Now I've got one little lonely duckling in my brooder. It hadn't fully absorbed the yolk so it's just kinda chilling under the lamp, peeping and kicking it's feet like crazy.
sorry about your hatch...................
They are beautiful as Large Fowl, and I also love the Bantams. Very nice little broodys. Here's my girl. I made a welcome photo from her and her babies. :) She was always sweet when I came around. Salmon Faverolles are sweethearts. They do go broody often, even the LF. They aren't on the top of the list for laying, and the eggs aren't very large, but where they lack in laying, they make up for looks, and sweetness!
she is so beautiful, I hope I get a Faverolle girl like yours! I just have the two chicks, both LF. I'm constantly checking their wing feathers for salmon coloring :) I hope one or both are females! And I love that they go broody, I can only hope I will be so lucky :)
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