Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

your fine let it evaporate, only add water if it goes below 25%.....I've had chicks hatch early in the egg turner at 25% so don't worry....under the hen is imperfect too

My bator sat empty too long waiting on a batch of "fertility check" eggs from my friend & these jumped in on their own...OOPPPSSS!!!
3 Polish
7 Ancona
7 Turkey
9 Rainbow Layers
3 Calls (just to see if little Grayson was doing his job before the polar vortex got him)
did I read that right? your little drake died because of the cold??
Boy! Just when I need to occupy my mind off my hatch my wifi stops working! The repair guy just left, and I'm figuring it'll be a couple late nights. My first baby has pipped and chirping! What a cute beak :D It's from my favorite blue Wheaton too! I'll have to say I'm surprised at how wobbly the eggs are that had too much fluid. Time will tell... Will post pics when I have a fuzzy. Love seeing your pics too!!!
My little duckling is so goofy. I got home and was so worried he'd be dead. Nope, but he was glued to the towel I'm using in the brooder. Had put some honey in his water yesterday to try to help him out, and I guess I used too much cause he had apparently taken a swim in it and then gotten stuck to the towel. He got a warm bath with a touch of dish soap to get the honey off, I towel dried him and now he's sitting under the lamp again. Does anyone have any experience with Indian runner babies? Any time he tries to stand all the way up on his feet he ends up falling over. He's doing a lot of rolling over backwards and getting stuck on his back until he can figure out how to roll himself back over again.

I have a chocolate bibbed call that didn't stand all the way up on her feet for 3 days! she's all grown up normal now...I use to put a small dog food bowl of water for them to swim in! she would sit in it for ever!! or the lunch meat that comes in tubs? I'd let them swim in those.
I have 4 calls they are so small they swam in a cat pan altogether until I finally got a child size pool for them

:( did I read that right? your little drake died because of the cold??

Yes, lost my call drake & 2 hens. Also lost a banty roo, 2 banty hens & a young polish roo. My set up is not ideal because we moved right before the polar vortex first hit & my bunny cage I use for the calls didn't get moved yet. It's sitting with the tractor for my banties & polish and my big outdoor brooder almost 2 hrs away at a friend's back where we moved from. I rescued the 4 remaining call hens & the 4 polish & put them in cages in the garage where ut's a bit warmer. It was all little birds that I lost so thinking the big birds were crowding them out of the warmer roosting areas. I had 1 banty hen survive, a 6 yr old very smart, very hardy, broody EE. She doesn't lay more than 20-30 eggs a year anymore but she's good at hatching my call eggs so she gets to stay. She was smart & roosts 7 ft up in the rafters between 2 turkey hens...lol
Quote: Yes, lost my call drake & 2 hens. Also lost a banty roo, 2 banty hens & a young polish roo. My set up is not ideal because we moved right before the polar vortex first hit & my bunny cage I use for the calls didn't get moved yet. It's sitting with the tractor for my banties & polish and my big outdoor brooder almost 2 hrs away at a friend's back where we moved from. I rescued the 4 remaining call hens & the 4 polish & put them in cages in the garage where ut's a bit warmer. It was all little birds that I lost so thinking the big birds were crowding them out of the warmer roosting areas. I had 1 banty hen survive, a 6 yr old very smart, very hardy, broody EE. She doesn't lay more than 20-30 eggs a year anymore but she's good at hatching my call eggs so she gets to stay. She was smart & roosts 7 ft up in the rafters between 2 turkey hens...lol

I'm just so sorry to hear that!!
I love all my birds and every loss hurts me but my ducks!!!
it must have been very very cold...mine just live in a wood dog house we lock at night....been in the teens here at night most of Jan...
Boy! Just when I need to occupy my mind off my hatch my wifi stops working! The repair guy just left, and I'm figuring it'll be a couple late nights. My first baby has pipped and chirping! What a cute beak
It's from my favorite blue Wheaton too! I'll have to say I'm surprised at how wobbly the eggs are that had too much fluid. Time will tell... Will post pics when I have a fuzzy. Love seeing your pics too!!!

I'm just so sorry to hear that!!
I love all my birds and every loss hurts me but my ducks!!!:hugs it must have been very very cold...mine just live in a wood dog house we lock at night....been in the teens here at night most of Jan...

We hit -35°F here in Ohio. Then we stayed -25 to-10°F for about a week. My poor babies were in the shed with the turkeys & chickens & I think they were being crowded away from the food bowls too. It was the 3 smallest that I lost. There was only 1 from last summer that survived & she's way big for a call (almost 2 pounds). The other 3 hens were 2012 babies so were over a year old. They all weigh 1-1.3 pounds. The ones I lost were all under a pound.

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