January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

Hello all! A man that I sold a couple of chickens to, lost most of his flock to predators so I am hatching some of my eggs for him. I have Swedish Flower Hens in with Buff Orpingtons now so they will be one or the other or a mix of both! Hopefully by the next time I hatch they will be separated & I can hatch some pure bred chicks. I am hoping to do a lot of hatching this year from my own flock. I set 20 eggs today so my hatch day will be Jan 10th!
Well I'm joining. It's supposed to be 16 shipped crevecoeur eggs, but my husband convinced me to set a few from our flock too. Should be 27 all together
Well, so much for getting my eggs before local temp dropped below freezing. Package has been "arriving late" since Tuesday, stuck somewhere in the line between North Carolina and north Alabama. I'm not surprised by the delay (knew what I was risking when I ordered) and there's nothing to do about it now, but hopefully I'll still have a chance to get a few chicks from the group once the eggs finally do show up.
I just noticed a broody girl today! I'm not sure if that counts for HAL since shes doing all the work!

15 eggs. I'll have to keep an eye to make sure my other ladies arent laying there. One or two eggs are pullet & several of the eggs are very porous so we will see what happens. ALSO it got down to 19 degrees 2 and 3 nights ago, so if she wasn't already setting, idk if that's cold enough to have frozen them though I hear you can hatch refrigerated eggs so idk.

I'm not sure what day we are on. Most I cant really see anything. A couple I can see the blood circle in the yolk (not the blood ring of death)
and this is my most developed one

but a lot of them have nothing I can see going on.


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Just candled today. I am on day 8 but I was having issues with low temps at the beginning so I think they are a bit less developed than they would normally be. I tossed 2 blood rings and a clear. I saw 8 moving around so I'm hoping they will make it! The rest had some veining so I kept them in. How is everyone else's hatch going?

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