Japanese Bantam Thread!

Oh ok, then it is likely a roo who just hasn't grown the sickle feathers yet. I can't tell on the legs as the wings are hanging over them and I can't see how long they are.
The same 2 chicks in all pics:) Legs are long but they are cute.



Here are my White Japanese Bantams and Black Tail Japanese Bantams. My WJB are sitting on eggs right now. Two of them are sharing the nest. These 2 always share the nest when sitting on eggs. I have no idea why but if one starts sitting the other will join right away. They have 10 Japanese Bantam eggs and 2 egg laying hens eggs. I always throw a few other eggs in the nest when they go broody. Having 2 hens sitting on the nest, 12eggs are very manageable for them. Check out the Pics.





Hey There Y'all! I've just adopted 2 black tailed hens and really want to learn more than just the little blurbs I can read. Both girls are in rough shape, but coming around nicely. I got them last Thursday and Friday (got one, went back and got her "sister"). I got my first egg today -yay!! The first, Yoko, is an awesomely sweet little thing!! Came to eat some yogurt from my hand the first day! She even let a young pullet tuck under her wing the first night. Her sister - OhNo - is a bit more flighty. She puffs up, fans out, and faces off...with the bunnies...who ignore her. These two let me trim their nails day 1, give them a bath and really tend to their poor feet day 3 and aside from the occasional - hey! that's my tasty bit! peck - haven't had any trouble with anyone.

Now, I have read in a couple places that these are not a good breed for beginners and can be shy and flighty.....did I just get lucky or should I expect more of this as they get to feeling better and more adjusted/confident? I am absolutely not thinking of breeding as I don't feel that's the responsible thing for a newbie to do (with any animal).

Is there anything in particular to this breed (health or general behavior) that I should bear in mind?

Um...don't tell the rest of my flock, but if my brain kicks in to chicken math mode....it will most likely be to add Japanese.....of different colors......something about them just...I dunno...got me! Ya know?

Thanks for reading the ramble! Any advice or info sources are greatly appreciated!

BTW: My 2 yr old daughter was thrilled to see the new egg - hard boiled eggs are a current favorite - she declared that it is just the right size for little her. I told her that Yoko made it and she went to the pen and thanked her!
Navasima- I can only answer a few of your questions as I am a newbie to JBs myself. However, having said that I haven't found my pair to be any more difficult so far than my others. My roo is a lot more flighty and they are both more stand offish Thames my LF s I raised from chicks, but, I got my JBs when they were 6 mos old. I have been handling them and working with them everyday and they are slowly getting friendlier. I know they don't tolerate cold weather well, but I am in the south and they share a coop with two Cochin bantams. Hopefully the fluffiness will help them to stay nice and warm! Hope this helps!
Hi! just found you guys, wondering if I can get any comments about my guy. little black japanese, he's my dominant roo of the bunch. LOL who'd have guessed.

I don't have any individual pics of him. I wish I could get them to all line up on the fence or something, but they won't cooperate with me on that. LOL


I took the pic this morning after I let everyone out of the coop...

I have to say, I was dubious about the breed before I ended up with him, but I've been pleasantly surprised. None of my birds are particularly friendly and don't like being handled but all I have to do is call and they all come running from wherever they are. I give out treats regularly to encourage this, so as to do a head count periodically since they free range all day.
I just got this little beauty today! She is now our resident "lap chicken"! LOVE HER ALREADY! (I may have a new breed addiction to add to my silkies now. lol... uh oh!)
I was told she is a Japanese Bantam cross of some sort... can any of you tell me what you think?!


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