Java Thread

I'm pretty sure TACEYPERKINS has already started on getting a new one going. She was talking about it earlier today on the Yahoo Group and through our emails.
I'm on the other yahoo group too. Hi, nice to meet y'all.

The pictures in the "King's birds" photos look like both breeds (blacks and whites) have slate legs. Is it just my computer or does it look like that to everyone else too, and if so, here are my questions:

- I thought white javas were supposed to have yellow shanks and feet?
- Blacks are supposed to have slate legs and feet, correct?
- Can mottleds have all slate legs, or are they supposed to have some background yellow with slate interspersed and yellow feet?

I'm trying to compare the birds I have with the standard and photos....



There was just a post on the Yahoo group about that.
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My blacks have black legs and feet and yellow on bottom of feet. The darker is the ideal color, but willow is also acceptable. My whites have slate/willow legs and feet.

The undersides of feet are supposed to be yellow.

There is no standard for whites as they are not a recognized color of APA.
At one time whites were in the APA Standard. They were removed because of their rarity and they lost popularity with new breeds that were being developed. I can't remember what year they were removed, but it has been a while.
Hooray a Java thread! And yahoo group (I just joined there is biodieselnewbie... sigh, gotta change that)
I just hatched my first javas.

When lockdown is done I will take pics. I will be hatching more, so anyone near me who wants a few, let me know.
And one question... can mottled javas be sexed at hatch?
Thanks all!
I have more Java eggs on the way. They were shipped today and should be here Thursday.


I hatched birds from the same breeder last year and cannot wait for more. They are large birds that grew much faster than the other Java's I hatched.

I'm hoping to have another white chick or two in this group, and maybe some more that carry the auburn gene. I can't wait to get that project going full force.
this time I will keep the auburn chicks marked so that I can tell them apart after their adult feathers grow in.

Let's see some more pics!!!!!!


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