Jerk Neighor is now considered a predator!!!

The thought of shooting him crossed my mind - believe me! but, since I work for the vet he uses, I hope he likes paying full price for everything from now on!!
x 2

I'm sorry for saying this, but what a jerk! I would definitely put up some kind of fencing up so the chickens don't wander over their again.

It's in the works for first thing in the morning...and yes, he is a jerk...and lots of other things I can't write on here!!!!
Im so sorry you lost one of your hens!

You know... building pens and fences takes a lot of work, why don't you clip their wings instead? That way you wouldn't have to worry about them roosting in the trees.

Just a thought
Hmmm....sounds easy. I also have a 12x24 chain link that used to hold goats. That's what I'm gonna use until I can come up with a better idea. Atleast it will extend their coop temporaily!
m&m chickens :

think 4' would work? I have that available...

4' generally isn't high enough, I know mine could hop up on that even with clipped wings. But it depends on if they respect the fence. Can you put up the 4' and add some chicken wire to the top?
I am sorry your brother was such a moron!
mdbokc's fence page is great! If you wanted to predator proof that, just run a few strands of electric on the outside of the deer netting/ chicken wire.

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