Jersey Giant eggs 12+

Country Living Farm

10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
My Jersey Giant rooster has finally figured out his reason for life. I took out the past rooster about 3-4 weeks or so ago and put him in. He has been busy. I have 12 hens and the one rooster.

You will get 13 eggs in total shipped VIA Priority Mail. All of the chicks should be pure but just in case the hens are still holding the past rooster, some might not be. I just want to make sure that is known. The roo is busy with the ladies but I can not guarantee every egg is fertile or will hatch. Just to many things can happen with shipping.

I do not have pictures of them yet. Some have the yellow feet, some do not, but they were hatchery stock and not all hatchery stock have yellow feet. Just wanted to put that in their.

I would love to ship these out tomorrow.

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