Hi all! I am new to raising chicks and am hoping for some advice. We have a flock of 19 lovely ladies; americanas, speckled Sussex, New Hampshire’s, barred rocks, and jersey giants. All chicks are growing steadily except one. We have a tiny jersey giant that’s a third of the size of the others. She doesn’t have pasty butt, and we held her inside one night to make sure her crop did, and her manure looks healthy. She seems to eat and drink ok, but I did notice that when I held her in my hand to feed her, the chick starter bits seem to pop out from her beak, like she can’t get a grip on them. She lays down more often than her flock mates and at times seems a bit wobbly. She hasn’t attempted any roosting while the rest of the girls have. Don’t know what’s wrong with her, any ideas or suggestions? We feed her mashed boiled egg yolk a few times per week, and she is a super slow eater. But she will eat it until her crop is full, just takes her a long time. Thanks for your help and suggestions!!