Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

THANKS, Kathy! I've seen some out there that are super, super nice, but it seems the blacks are the ones that are the closest to the SOP (from what I know of it). Kathy, I think you have the SOP, right? Would you be able to post some of it for Jerseys here? Maybe we could take them one at a time and discuss amongst us? I know they should be flat-backed...some of mine are not, and I'll cull heavily for that this spring from my winter hatch. What else should we be watching for?
Heres some of my show quality Jersey Giants. I have a flock of about 50 and they are made up of my own line crossed with Marias Jerseys.




I would love to have some hatching eggs to incorp. into my flock of JG. For those who have listed pictures and such, do you sell them? I would like to get 12 to hatch.

Monkeying - there are several folks on BYC that have them - check my website if you'd like to see my stock:

I've worked very hard on my flock, and will continue to try to improve them. This thread is great!
Hi Donald! Thanks for joining the thread! Maybe you can help us out, with what we should be looking for .... for the SOP.
I do have the SOP book, but I think alot is left for interpretation. Actually, as I am new to poultry, I am still learning!
In the SOP, under, "shape," it says this:
COMB: Single, rather large, straigt and uprigt, having six well defined and evenly serrated points, the blade following the contour of the neck.
BEAK: Moderately short, stout, well-curved.
FACE: Surface smooth, skin fine and soft in texture.
EYES: Large, round and full.
WATTLES: Medium size, well rounded at lower ends fine in texture, free from fold or wrinkles.
EAR LOBES: Moderately large, extending down one-half the length of the wattles, smooth.
HEAD: Rather large, broad.
NECK: Moderately long, full, well-arched.
BACK: Rather long, broad, nearly horizontal, with a short sweep to tail.
TAIL: Rather large, full, well-spread, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees (45*) above horizontal. Main tail -- broad and overlapping. Sickles -- of just sufficient length to cover main tail feathers. Coverts -- moderately abundant and medium in length.
WINGS: Medium size, well-folded, carried at same angle as the back. Primaries and Secondaries -- broad and overlapping in natural order when wing is folded.
BREAST: Broad, deep, full, carried well forward.
BODY AND FLUFF: Body -- long, wide, deep, compact smooth at sides. Keel -- long. Fluff -- moderately full, smooth.
LEGS AND TOES: Legs set well apart, straight when viewed from front. Lower thighs -- large, medium length, well-feathered. Shanks -- stout in bone, moderately long. Toes -- four on each foot, medium length.

Cock ....... 13 lbs
Hen ........ 10 lbs
Cockeral ... 11 lbs
Pullet ....... 8 lbs
This is great, Kathy! Thanks so much for posting - I don't have the SOP, so will copy/paste for use when I make my breeding decisions!

Oh, I wonder if THIS is what they mean by the breast "carried well forward" (HA!!!! This pic cracks me up!) - he doesn't typically stand like this - I'd been free-ranging another pen of chooks near him, and he was all ticked off & trying to look big & mean! HA!

Yep - I've got a human male at home that seems to puff out his check every now & then like that! If he ever crows, though, I'll being to worry!
Hey Kathy,
I have read the SOP just like you and alot of it is interpretation. I tell you the way I found to be the best is exhibition. I really watch the judges and what they like and thats how I choose which birds to cull and which ones I will keep to breed from. I really like a bird with a large broad head,horizontal back and I try to keep the ones with a tail thats well spread and 45 degress. I like for my blacks to have the green sheen and I do not breed the ones with purple sheen. I like for there body to be well proportioned.The breast,body,head, legs,tail should all match up, because if one of them is off it makes the whole bird look bad. I learn alot from watching the judges.


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