Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I thought I would post pictures of my flock. They have been with us for 15 days. Ordered from Murray McMurray as day olds. Feel free to comment on them!

Do jersey Giants and other duel purpose birds require a roost? I am planning on getting some this summer for meat and am trying to figure out what they will need in their tractor.

Jersey giants can develop joint problems if they have to jump up and down from heights of more than 18 inches. Roosting poles close to the ground would be okay but I would avoid creating an environment where they have to do more jumping than necessary.
Do jersey Giants and other duel purpose birds require a roost? I am planning on getting some this summer for meat and am trying to figure out what they will need in their tractor.

My Jersey loves to be up. But not to far up. Her roost is only 12" off the ground. I also have a bunch of logs and cinder blocks which she loves to be up on. But nothing higher. She's definitely a land bird. Oh, and my roost is a 2x4 w/ the 4" side up for her to roost on.
If anyone is looking for Jersey Giants I have 3 pullets for sale. They are not at the point of laying yet some where around 4-5 months. I have 2 blue and 1 black. Send me a PM if your interested. I'm in the middle Tennessee area.

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