Jet's Fight: Chapter 8

Here it is!!!!
Chapter 11
"Help! Put me down," the creature shouted.
"That sounds like Jazzy," Gingernut exclaimed.
"Probably isn't, but let's persuit it anyway," Fenix said, chasing the eagle. They heard another one of those deafening bangs, and the eagle fell to the ground along with the creature.
"Gingernut!" the creature cried. Was it really Jazzy?
"Jazzy?!" Gingernut cried.
"Gingernut, Fenix, Sunny, I missed you all so much!" Jazzy said.
"Jazzy, why did you run off," Gingernut scolded.
"Well, I was curious as to why Frank hated the forest," she explained.
"I'm just happy we're together again," Gingernut said.
"GROUP HUG!!!" Sunny shouted, shoving everyone into a circle and hugging Fenix and Sandy's legs.
"Uh, Sunny," Fenix said creeped out, slinking out of the hug.
"So, who are you two," Jazzy asked Nikki and Sandy.
"I'm Nikki. I'm a grey calico tabby cat," Nikki explained.
"And I'm Sandy, a Borzoi dog," Sandy explained.
"Uh, guys, why are you letting predators follow you," Jazzy asked. Gingernut sensed that Jazzy did not trust Sandy or Nikki.
"Oh no, we helped them out and they're helping us in return," Gingernut explained.
"Oh! So these guys aren't interested in killing us," Jazzy declared.
"Yeah. Why can't you ever trust what we say," Fenix asked.
"Be quiet," Jazzy demanded.
"Winter's coming," Sandy announced. "The wind is unusually cold, the leaves of maple trees are on the ground, and I smell a frost coming on."
"What's a frost," Nikki asked.
"Its when it gets so cold, white stuff called snow falls from the sky and onto the ground. Water also freezes up," she explained.
"Can we play in it?!" Sunny asked.
"Well, you wouldn't really want to," Sandy said.
"I would!" Sunny announced.
"Just wait until a storm comes," Sandy replied.

The group, now reunited, had decided to stay in a nearby cave inside of a mountain that wasn't very far. The next day, however, Sandy had proven Sunny wrong. Overnight, it had turned from about 60 degrees Fahrenheit to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. A blizzard beat upon the wilderness, but the group was safe and warm inside their cave.
"Hey," Sandy suggested, "I'll go search for some food after this blizzard dies down."
"Okay," Gingernut said.
"Don't really feel like playing in that snow anymore, huh Sunny," Sandy asked.
"Shut up," Sunny snapped.

The next morning, Gingernut woke up to massive pains in her stomach.
"Oh my God," she moaned.
"What's wrong, Ginger," Jazzy asked,
"My stomach is going nuts," Gingernut explained.
"Sandy, I wish you didn't run off," Fenix bickered.
Suddenly, out popped a white round object from behind Gingernut.
"Yay!!!!" Nikki squealed.
"What's so fantasic about having stomach pain," Gingernut snapped.
"No, you layed your first egg!" Nikki squealed.
"Huh?" Gingernut was confused. She looked behind her, though, and...
"Ginger, you layed your first egg," Fenix fussed.
"What's so great about it," Gingernut asked.
"Now you can have CHICKS if you want!! CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS!!!" Sunny shouted.
"Really," Gingernut asked. Could she really..?
"Yes really!" Jazzy yelled.

"So Fenix," Gingernut began as they were looking outside the cave together.
"Yeah," Fenix replied.
"I want to have a family," Gingernut declared, preparing for the worst.
To be continued...
ME!!! Another chapter please!!!!
Here's a sneak peek until I can get the rest up, which should be about in 30 minutes.

"I know I know," she began, "but, it would really mean a lot to me."
Suddenly, Jazzy and Sunny started laughing and cracking jokes at Fenix and Gingernut.
"Ginger and Fenix roosting in a tree," Jazzy mocked. Sunny just crossed her eyes and made kissing noises.
"Shut up," Gingernut snapped.
"Aw, come on Ging! Can't you have a little fun," Sunny laughed.
"So really, Fenix," Gingernut continued, "do you think we can do it, or not?"
I want more Please. May I make a suggestion? I think that to know exactly how long the trio have been searching for Jazzy, maybe you could add how long it has been each time you give an update. Such as: It has already been 1 week since they began their search or it has has now been 2 months or 3 month. Just to keep us more to date on what there ages are and how long they have search. Just a suggestion. I think a timeline would add to the story. I hope I don't hurt your feelings, I was just thinking...............
No, you didn't hurt my feelings.
Thanks for saying that, I just looked over it and to think of it, it is sort of confusing...

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