July 1st hatching ..DAY 23 for a few of us!

true that!!! The first week i was soooo worried i was doing everything wrong becuase i didn't know jack about hatching eggs. But it looks as if ive done something right becuase the little boogers are swimming around inside there pritty strong.
Ty. The person i am hatching for might buy some cochins eggs for me to hatch too so i will see how many i will end up with.
I'm with you i have 9 white frizzles and 8 bantams in the incubator. I checked on day 7 i had 11 confirm and 6 not sure. I just hope i have at least one to hatch then i want feel so bad. This is also my first time hatching eggs.
well i did a FULL candel of my egg's tonight and this is what i got.

9 Mille Fleur D eggs are alive and MOVEING!!

2 Mille Fleur Eggs look to be dead

1 Buff O egg is Alive and MOVEING

1 Buff O egg has vains...but no movement

1 Buff O egg looks to have grown...but when i turn the egg..the content's sway to the side...catching up with the movement of my hand...even tho my hand has allready stopped. So this is a ? mark...but im leaning to dead.

1 Buff O Egg looks to be dead.

So...on day 10 and it looks to be going good. Thoes 11 MFD egg's by the way....ALL SHIPPED!!!
Can ya believe it? And 9!!! of them come to me fertil and going strong. Could not ask for more than that
Thats great for shipped eggs! I'm siting on my hands now. My eggs are soo dark I see a big dark blob but i can't tell if its moving or if its my imagination but i never saw veins in any but thats normal with marans eggs. So i'm sitting on my hands till day 18... if i can haha

Day 9...
Just hoping and keeping fingers crossed. They will do what they will. I'm still nervous, and trying not to stress about it.

BTW I'm failing miserably ...lol

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