July 1st hatching ..DAY 23 for a few of us!

My thermometer fell today so i opened the incubator put it back up and had to candle one egg and i saw a moving chick!! yeahoo!! being my first time doing this everytime anything changes i feel like i'm killing them or mess them up but i had one wiggler! didn't look at the rest
I KNOW RIGHT??? It seems to be moveing soooo slow. But the less i think about my egg's, the faster the time seems to go by. I have 10 egg's with movement....i would be THRILLED!!! if only two were to hatch. My life moto seem's to be "allways expect the worst so you will never be surprised" And that's how im takeing my very first incubation process.
I'm just lurking here because my hatchery chicks are due to arrive on 7/1 -- I'm kinda living through their hatch vicarously by following this thread! It's fun to think about where they're at developmentally right now. I know no one is candling them in the giant hatchery 'bator, but it's still fun to think about.
if you have a fan you should be ok....just still air and you MAY see some problems. But if your on day 12 like i am....you shouldn't see tooo many problems...now if it was day 16 or 17 THEN you should worry.
Hi folks, my first hatching also, due 7/1, shipped eggs, out of 12, 2 with blood rings, 1 I think I killed due to my own ignorance
I've got a still air and really have doubts about temp readings and have decided to just LEAVE THEM ALONE! I feel like a 5 year old waiting for Christmas! I've seen live chicks attempting to grow in spite of my best intentions so I decided to back off and just do the bare minimum at this point. Iget frustrated when I think I've messed something up and they won't hatch
BTW I have 8 for sure alive and 1 maybe/not sure lemon blues in the bator
Here's hoping we all have successful hatching!
Well I candled again today After my temps rose to high... and all I can say is none are HARD BOILED!

I think I have 4 duds ...

Like asylum11 I am only hoping for two to hatch. Keeping my expectations low.

WELCOME DebbieLynn

we are all just as nervous and have our misgivings in this endeavor ...lol
awwww noooooooooooo wayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! ive wanted some lemon blue banties FOREVER!!!! now. YOU MUST POST PICTURES!!...then send me 2 chick's in the mail
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