July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL


5 Years
Jan 29, 2014
Eastern Shore MD
Now that June hatching for me is done and still want to hatch more with others here I'm starting a July HAL since I can't find one already started. Please chime in with what you are setting and when the expected hatch date.

Those that have lots of experience please share your knowledge, I personally don't have much experience, this is my 3rd time hatching and the 2nd time was better than the first so I'm hoping 3rd will be fantastic.

Thanks for Joining.
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Today I just picked up 18 Delaware eggs from a farmer close by and will be setting them tonight. I'm expecting hatch date to be 18th and 19th July.
I will also be testing the fertility of my backyard 8 hens and 1 rooster, I don't expect much because I think the ratio is too large for one rooster to cover but he is so aggressive to other roosters can't put a second one there.

Anyone else hatching in July?
Hi! I will also be testing the fertility of my flock. I have incubated eggs twice before. The first incubation I've done was with (30) quail eggs that all happened to be infertile and the second time was with (8) shipped Olive Eggs but none hatched or even developed. My rooster is young but im crossing my fingers that I'll finally hatch out some chicks. Eggs are on day 11 and so far 1 early quitter and the rest infertile so I'll be placing more eggs in today and tomorrow.
Hi! I will also be testing the fertility of my flock. I have incubated eggs twice before. The first incubation I've done was with (30) quail eggs that all happened to be infertile and the second time was with (8) shipped Olive Eggs but none hatched or even developed. My rooster is young but im crossing my fingers that I'll finally hatch out some chicks. Eggs are on day 11 and so far 1 early quitter and the rest infertile so I'll be placing more eggs in today and tomorrow.
I hope you have better luck with the ones you set today or tomorrow. How old is your rooster and what breed of the hens too?
I hope you have better luck with the ones you set today or tomorrow. How old is your rooster and what breed of the hens too?

My rooster is 16 weeks and he is a Red Broiler, he won't be staying much longer as my husband didn't get him for the purpose of protecting the flock. I only have two hens right now: a Black Sumatra and a Silver Grey Dorking both almost two years old. I also have 8 other pullets but they are young and haven't laid eggs yet. I do have a little Thai mix and Easter Egger cockerel though that will grow up to stay with the flock :) What breed is your rooster?
I set 2 peafowl, 13 bobwhite quail, 4 pure dorking, 2 red sex link/dorking, 6 pearl guinea, 5 khaki campbell duck, 9 Easter egger (can be crossed with cream legbar, australorp, or dorking-for the Easter eggers). I set these on Father's Day (the 21st.) all fertile so far. (Some are iffy) chickens and quail due to hatch on the 12th of July. The rest are due on the 19th of July. Fingers crossed!
My rooster is 16 weeks and he is a Red Broiler, he won't be staying much longer as my husband didn't get him for the purpose of protecting the flock. I only have two hens right now: a Black Sumatra and a Silver Grey Dorking both almost two years old. I also have 8 other pullets but they are young and haven't laid eggs yet. I do have a little Thai mix and Easter Egger cockerel though that will grow up to stay with the flock
What breed is your rooster?
My rooster is 12 months old, probably a light brahma/light sussex mix, he is in with red & black sex links. I also have a 5 month old Black Australop he is in with pullets that are not laying yet. I couldn't put him with the laying hens as the mix rooster would kill him. Other chicks I have hatched this month.
I set 2 peafowl, 13 bobwhite quail, 4 pure dorking, 2 red sex link/dorking, 6 pearl guinea, 5 khaki campbell duck, 9 Easter egger (can be crossed with cream legbar, australorp, or dorking-for the Easter eggers). I set these on Father's Day (the 21st.) all fertile so far. (Some are iffy) chickens and quail due to hatch on the 12th of July. The rest are due on the 19th of July. Fingers crossed!
All the best, you have quite an assortment there!!!!
Thanks for starting the thread! I was searching for a July one.

Here's a story chicken people can appreciate:

We had a Brinsea Octagon 20 (holds 24 eggs). My husband and I were planning our final hatch: an order of a dozen Hedemora and the other dozen was to be a split between our own Hedemora and Isbar.

We went to a poultry swap on 6/21 and my husband fell for some Tolbunt Polish eggs that were reduced price at the end of the swap ($10 for 8 eggs versus $30). But, that would mess up our schedule. We got home, put the Tolbunt eggs with the rest of our own and filled the incubator.

My husband was browsing eBay and noticed a used Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance. We won the auction. So I had that 1 dozen of the Hedemora eggs on their way and saw a second auction of Hedemora from another breeder and the auction ended in 5 minutes, literally. I ran outside, giddy as heck, convinced the husband in under 3 minutes, ran back and won the auction.


We ended up getting both dozens the same day before the incubator, so let the shipped eggs rest and got the incubator the next day. Dumbly expecting 24 eggs to place in our 24ish capacity 'bator, we got 30 (but 2 were cracked). So 28! Egads.

A few days prior a year-old Isbar started being broody. Alleluia! So on a whim we put the 4 extra eggs under her. Little did I know once actually fitting all the eggs in, I could fit 26. So I waited a day and put two eggs from our own hens to fill the voids.

Between the 2 incubators and the hen we have 60 eggs guys. That's crazy.

We already have 22 chicks from our May and June hatches, though I'll wager a good portion are roosters and will be sold. But still!

I'm both excited and a little terrified, we'll need another coop! The first batch should hatch 7/12 and the second and the hen should be about 7/17.

I feel a little irresponsible.

I blame the Tolbunts.

Or my husband.
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