July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

Day 18... Lockdown. I turned them for the last time yesterday morning (it is almost 4am here) and jacked the humidity up to 60%. I contemplated laying down paper towels under the eggs but the way I have it set up is so I need to slide half of the "flooring" back to get to the water so I didn't end up doing that. Since it isn't chicken wire there are no sharp edges or anything so I am somewhat confident in that decision.
Now.. we wait. & keep an eye on the lightbulb. My replacement bulbs blow just as quickly as the last kind. So.. that is one thing on a long list of things I will be seeking to improve for next time. Good thing I've got lots of time, may be a whole revamp lol

Good luck with the waiting. When the pipping starts is when it really gets hard. Our hatch is still going and the pipping is still going, now day 23.
I'm right there with you. If the 3 hatch that I have left I will have a 50% hatch rate. It's my first time so still learning

I have so many doubts. So many. But, I am still learning, too. I freaked myself out, actually, looking over my notes. I thought I was on the wrong day entirely haha next time- better notes. I also am not sure that what I am looking at in the eggs is correct. I go over the candling photos but it is still difficult so..
*fingers crossed*
I've got the brooder all set up. It will be sad if it stays empty:/
Good luck with the waiting. When the pipping starts is when it really gets hard. Our hatch is still going and the pipping is still going, now day 23. 

If pipping happens at all I will be so happy. Celebration time happy. How are your pippers doing?
I'm so excited. Today is the last day of turning my eggs. Tomorrow morning starts lockdown. My only worry is I have a week long training course all week. So no one will be home during the day. I hope everything turns out okay. The weather and humidity levels here have been crazy so I hope the temp is good in the incubator all day. I should have planned a little better.
I'm so excited. Today is the last day of turning my eggs. Tomorrow morning starts lockdown. I hope everything turns out okay. The weather and humidity levels here have been crazy so I hope the temp is good in the incubator all day. I should have planned a little better.

We're on the same schedule. I am going to do a final check and position this afternoon. I have been doing dry incubation, so I just added water this morning. I hope to get humidity to 75% so I can get chicks out after they dry off. my hatch will probably be staggered. I can barely handle how excited I am.:lol:
We're on the same schedule. I am going to do a final check and position this afternoon. I have been doing dry incubation, so I just added water this morning. I hope to get humidity to 75% so I can get chicks out after they dry off. my hatch will probably be staggered. I can barely handle how excited I am.:lol:

I have been trying to keep my humidity level at around 45-50% but the humidity level outside is 80%. And the temp I have tried to keep around 100F but I have a homemade incubator and the only way for me to keep the temp is a dimmer switch so it's been tough. At nights it goes to 97 and sometes during the day it goes to 103. I'm hoping my cheap temperature gauge is off a bit. But so far all 3 eggs are doing great.
Lesson learned today. I thought coffee filters would make great nests for each egg before lockdown. Any drop of moisture wicks into them and they are too wet.As cute it would be, and I th practical too, it is too risky in high humidity and controlled environment needed.
Lesson learned today. I thought coffee filters would make great nests for each egg before lockdown. Any drop of moisture wicks into them and they are too wet.As cute it would be, and I th practical too, it is too risky in high humidity and controlled environment needed.

It was a good idea though, if not for the absorbency.

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