July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

Uh-oh. All three musketeers are on lockdown. Heh heh you think people who have been doing this for years watch this thread & make bets on us first timers' hatch rates? Lol
I was advised that if there is no condensation inside the incubator during lockdown that the humidity isn't high enough. Any truth to that? Is condensation what we should be wanting? Or will they drown with it that high?
I have 19 eggs on day 19. Nothing happening yet but 17 are large breed chickens. 2 are silkie eggs but they are on day 17. Trying to get everyone to hatch on the same day.

32 chicks out of 42 eggs so far. Still have a few pips. Temp running at 100 degrees, humidity at 65%.
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Uh-oh. All three musketeers are on lockdown. Heh heh you think people who have been doing this for years watch this thread & make bets on us first timers' hatch rates? Lol

I think the same thing. Lol. Just wait till the end of the week when we get to post all the pics of our fuzzy butts.
If pipping happens at all I will be so happy. Celebration time happy. How are your pippers doing?
So far have 10 in brooder, two still drying in incubator and three more struggling to zip and make final break, and one more with a nice open pip resting before zipping. One of the earliest pips, a nice defined cracked hole in shell, doesn't look like will make it. No movement for past 12 hours or so. Very mixed bag on hatch. Best hatch by breed thus far is Black Copper Marans.
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So far have 10 in brooder, two still drying in incubator and three more struggling to zip and make final break, and one more with a nice open pip resting before zipping. One of the earliest pips, a nice defined cracked hole in shell, doesn't look like will make it. No movement for past 12 hours or so. Very mixed bag on hatch. Best hatch by breed thus far is Black Copper Marans. 

Awesome job. Sorry about the pipper-then-quitter:(
Still waiting on total of four zippers to break free, but here's some pics of the hatch thus far...

Too many chicks to stay in the incubator...mayhem! Once they dried it was like a mosh pit in there. Off to the brooder!

This Black Copper Maran had a time. Had some inner shell membrane that wrapped around leg and was dragging top half of shell around the bator. The chick eventually fluffed up nice in the incubator and membrane was cut away before adding chick to brooder.

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