July Hatch-a-long

Newbie in for July! We are setting our eggs tonight or tomorrow. Had eggs shipped from fantastic BYC members and are going to need plenty of help along the way. I've spent DAYS scouring so many amazing posts here in the forum - now just trying to make some sense out of it all.

We're going to go with no turning for five days, because seriously - the eggs look amazing! They were packed snug as a bug in a rug. I was considering the dry incubation method, but since we live in a fairly dry climate, I think we're going to try a more traditional approach.
I checked the eggs today since I had not since I got them. Day 5 only. One seems clear. But I do see some veins , I do see some dk spots Yeah!!! so there is a chance for a faverolle or two. I am hopeful.
Well, this isn't the 7th day yet (it's the 4th) but I just couldn't wait to candle and see if any of my fav eggs survived the temp spike that happened on their first day of incubation. (also the power was out for several hours the other night!) Aaaand, I have great news--- there is development in two eggs!

The bad news is I can't see any development in the others, and most of them seem to have rolling air cells. I candled them when they arrived to check the air cells, and I couldn't see any of the cells. Most of the eggs are pretty porous, so that made it hard to see, and of course the eggs were pretty fresh, so I didn't think too much of it. But, I figured if I couldn't see any air cell, that must mean they weren't rolling around in there at least. My mistake, I guess. I did keep the eggs in a carton with the bottom cut out, big end up, for the first couple days of incubation. I also let them settle, the same way only not in the incubator, for 24 hours before I put them in the bator. I'm really wishing I had kept them in the carton for the whole incubation!

I just put them back in a carton, and will keep them that way until I candle again on day 7 or 8. I'll stick something under one end of the carton and tilt the eggs instead of turning them.

Is there any hope for the eggs with rolling air cells, or are they probably done for? I'm going to keep them until day 7, at least, and see what they're like then, but I'm curious to hear what you guys think about it.
Tomorrow is day 21 for the 4 eggs that made it to lockdown. This is my first attempt with shipped eggs. Got 13 and only 4 were viable at day 18.

I am kind of disappointed. I let them sit before putting them in the incubator and didn't use the turner the first couple of days. We will see over the next couple of days if any of them hatch or not. Hoping for at least 3 chicks.
Started with 30 Americana and other mix. Temp spike on day three 109. Have 7/8 left deveolping. They should be due on 7/3 or 7/4. Im letting my son do more of turning and candleling this go around. He is excited for his babies lol
Day 6 here for my GL Brahmas. These are 12 shipped eggs, not one damaged aircell and 11 good fertile eggs. I culled my 1st one tonight. I have candled so much I can tell an infertile. Plus 3 Ameracaunas all fertile and growing! This is going to be a good hatch. I need to build another COOP!!!
My goodness. So happy to see all these other people! It's been educational, which is definitely useful for a noob like myself.

My 14 BCM and 10 frizzles are on day 6. I'm candling tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

I have a second incubator, and I have been waiting for a shipment of faverolle eggs. While waiting, I have more BCM and frizzle eggs in a bowl. They're at least a week old, and some might be a little older. I'm concerned about viability. Can I put them into the incubator, and then when the Faverolles get here, put them in?? (After they've rested, of course...) Will it mess everything up to have two sets of eggs with differing hatch dates, even if they are close??
ok I candled again and one of the eggs didnt' have any veins in it and the chick wasn't moving..... it died. now I have 6 eggs left and here are the pics. not the best quality but I think you can see how full the eggs are and an approximate size of the air cell. I put the eggs in the hatching bator and I guess I will turn the eggs twice a day until I see some rocking then I will stop turning them and up the humidity. what do yall think???????

Never say a chick is dead because it is not moving. It may just be sleeping . I leave them all at the last moving or no. Good luck. I am still waiting for the real candling at day 10 on the 2nd of July to determine if mine is developing or not. I will not throw out any till then and with a lot of thought even then. They would have to be very clear. Or have a real blood circle. I was fooled once and I will not destroy a baby again.
I broke one open and the baby moved and I lost a really special egg once never again. I will wait it out. Experience is the best teacher she hurts.

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