July Hatch-a-long

Day 13 1/2 (put eggs in bator in evening, lol), started with 34, down to 24 now, culled out any that were clear or had very defined blood rings. The 24 still in there are looking good, have strong movement and are taking up quite a bit of the egg now. Lets see how it goes when I candle again before lockdown!
I am thinking just sit back and watch...I am excited for you. Oh and as one poster said, have the brooder ready.
I have had a few hatchlings that struggled for longer than 24-36 hours that I have helped out. It seems they were just malpositioned in the egg and couldn't get enough "get up and go" from where they were at to peck through. I took a pair of tweezer and slooooowwwwllly peeled back part of the eggshell a little at a time. Otherwise,,,let nature take its course.
ok thanks sooo much
If I candle on day 14 on buff orpingtons and I don't see quite a bit of darkness, chances are they're not viable, right? I don't feel like I've seen much change in the past week as far as growth goes, and I never really saw veining or movement since I first candled on day 7...I think I may have cooked them :/
If I candle on day 14 on buff orpingtons and I don't see quite a bit of darkness, chances are they're not viable, right? I don't feel like I've seen much change in the past week as far as growth goes, and I never really saw veining or movement since I first candled on day 7...I think I may have cooked them

I have one egg that seemed to start a bit later than the others, so it's not nearly as far as the others, I didn't see veining on it till day 10 candle. It is moving though, so it will keep going with the rest, if yours seem to be moving and growing then keep going, maybe they started late too. Not sure if I need to keep turning that one once I lockdown the others, or if it will be fine. Anyone with advice on that would be nice. Feel free to take this with a grain of salt though, since this is my first hatch.
I have one egg that seemed to start a bit later than the others, so it's not nearly as far as the others, I didn't see veining on it till day 10 candle. It is moving though, so it will keep going with the rest, if yours seem to be moving and growing then keep going, maybe they started late too. Not sure if I need to keep turning that one once I lockdown the others, or if it will be fine. Anyone with advice on that would be nice. Feel free to take this with a grain of salt though, since this is my first hatch.

Yea...I'm not seeing movement :( I can see the shadow from where the yolk is and a dark spot (eye I'm assuming), but not any growth. I'm supposed to go out of town tomorrow night, so if I don't see anything tonight I think I might have to call it quits and cull.
Never say a chick is dead because it is not moving. It may just be sleeping . I leave them all at the last moving or no. Good luck. I am still waiting for the real candling at day 10 on the 2nd of July to determine if mine is developing or not. I will not throw out any till then and with a lot of thought even then. They would have to be very clear. Or have a real blood circle. I was fooled once and I will not destroy a baby again.
I broke one open and the baby moved and I lost a really special egg once never again. I will wait it out. Experience is the best teacher she hurts.

If there is a questionable egg, how long do you leave it? I've heard they can get leaky, stinky, and nasty if it's bad.

I have a couple of questionable eggs and I'm going away for the weekend...hope I don't come home to a smelly surprise Sunday evening.

Its acc. to the age of the egg. Also if it shakes when you gentle move it side to side. Does it jostle? Can you see through it? so many questions to ask before I will toss it.
Day 14 pics. I'm bumming. I didn't see any embryos, veining or movement. :( guess this batch was a bust. My kids Are going to be bumming. Guess we will go but some day old chicks from the feed store to keep them happy!






Any signs of life to you guys?
Day 14 pics. I'm bumming. I didn't see any embryos, veining or movement. :( guess this batch was a bust. My kids Are going to be bumming. Guess we will go but some day old chicks from the feed store to keep them happy!






Any signs of life to you guys?
Personally I don't see anything. Maybe other will chime in too
Day 14 pics. I'm bumming. I didn't see any embryos, veining or movement.
guess this batch was a bust. My kids Are going to be bumming. Guess we will go but some day old chicks from the feed store to keep them happy!
Any signs of life to you guys?

First of all eggs that are being hatched should never be turned upside down, which is how you have these eggs. Always keep fat end UP! That is where the air cell is. And the light should be placed on top shining into the air cell. That is the only way you are going to see any veining. You move the light slowly around the edge of the air cell looking for the veining.

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