July Hatch-a-long

here is my showgirl. Eva Gabor
eggs hatch on Friday!!!! anything I should watch or worry about???
I am thinking just sit back and watch...I am excited for you. Oh and as one poster said, have the brooder ready.
I have had a few hatchlings that struggled for longer than 24-36 hours that I have helped out. It seems they were just malpositioned in the egg and couldn't get enough "get up and go" from where they were at to peck through. I took a pair of tweezer and slooooowwwwllly peeled back part of the eggshell a little at a time. Otherwise,,,let nature take its course.
ok everyone...... I am gonna post this on the june and july hatch a long threads.... I need some advice...... everyone remember the 7 eggs I got from my friend that were already developing??? well at first I thought they were approximately 7 days then when I candled again a few days later they looked a few days older than what I originally guestimated. I keep candling these eggs to try to keep track of their progress and it seems every time I candle they look older than I originally thought. my first estimated hatch date was july 6th then july 4 well I candled them again and I am not sure they will make it that long. the eggs are pretty full... there is not much room in the eggs left for them to grow and I have no clue when I should stop turning and up the humidity.

Can you post a candle photo? We might be able to make an educated guess. Once that's done, I recommend keeping the brooder closed as much as possible and keeping watch for movement or cheeping. If a chick pips before you are ready, you can crack open the brooder for a second or two to drop in a sea sponge or paper towel soaked in warm water for a quick boost.

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