July Hatch-a-long

This is what's confusing me... I thought only the apocalypse would warrant me opening the bator during lockdown?

If you think in terms of the broody hen, they get off the nest to eat and go potty.............It is during lockdown.the last three days that the
"DO NOT OPEN" is most important........We all seem to have our own style about
I have on occasion opened during lockdown if there is a need. I take the incubator in the bathroom after running hot water in the shower.
Well, first hatch was a total bust! :( Of the 14 eggs that made it to lockdown, only 2 made it out, a CCL boy and girl. Got home from work just a little bit ago and went to check the brooder, the little boy was dead. Didn't have high hopes for him, he was really runty and had a really hard time with eating and drinking on his own till yesterday. Planning some more chicks and eggs, so guess I'm in for August hatch-a-long. Will be setting many of the same breeds, but no silkies this time (only got them last time since we needed a little more for free shipping), decided to add BBS Orps to the BLRW, FBCM, and Ameracaunas! Then if we decide to do this next year, we should have a broody, lol. DH wants chicks though as a safety of sorts, I want eggs to try and do better at this hatching thing. Should be getting some this Sunday, or maybe next Sunday, but we are picking them up ourselves, no shipping. So glad that so many are having a good hatch! Congrats to all of you with fuzzy butts!
Ok... Wow!!! Lots of hatching going on!!! :woot

Super sorry for those with loses... Unfortunately it happens and there is little anyone can do... :(

Best of hatching to those still waiting!
I've got 2 more hatch dates yet for July so I'm in for the long haul!
My eggs have gone on lockdown! Nine little silkies due on Friday. I also had to steal my two broody ducks' eggs because they kept kicking them out, two broke etc etc so they were down to three and now they're mine till they hatch. Silly birds trying to share a nest. That's what was causing all their troubles.
CG - I read your first 2 posts about your eggs and was frantically searching to see what happened!!! After all that craziness you have 3 babies!!! That deserves a double
WARNING: extremely cute


So these are the only two out of six eggs that hatched... Everything went pretty good, temp perfect, humidity not so perfect (because I dry hatch and I would like 30% and couldn't get it lower than 42% sometimes it got to 49%) so my air cells were smaller than expected and most quit or pipped and drown. The other thing is these were eggs from hens that were wormed recently... They should have been tossed but I decided I would try and incubate instead. SO 2/6 for me... The one with the dark stripe has splay leg which is why it is in a small cup and her buddy couldnt stand being away from her, so they are both in the cup!
Awww! Too cute!

So sorry for the losses. It's always hard to take. I think its best to just jump back on the horse & hatch some more!

Seriously, I CAN stop whenever I want to. Nobody will let me. Lol! I'm pretty sure the 23rd & 29th will be my last hatches for this year. Yep, if these last hatches work out as planned, I'll be maxed out.

Hope we all have some great hatch rates coming up!
Jordi15-- what cuties!!

Went into lockdown today. I candled my last remaining egg first, and it looked kind of weird. I couldn't really see much veining, and there were some little blobby looking things, like blood clots or something. I *think* I saw the chick move, though, so hopefully it is still alive!
So far I have 10 out of 11 to hatch. And #11 has pipped! I do have one with a small hernia. So 9 in the brooder, left the one with hernia in bator with pipped egg. Hopefully it will dry up by morning. I may get a 100% hatch! Oh and these were shipped eggs!

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