July Hatch-A-Long

Update; only 4 eggs of 21 to go, one pipped and day 21 starts tonight at 18:00 French time.
My first incubation adventure works out fine, even one chick in the wrong position, upside down I mean, managed to hatch, with a little help.

So, not a bad result at all for the first time, I think. I am really over the moon! And they're so handsome, my little chickies!

Really happy for you!
Awesome, what are you hatching??

My broody's Serama eggs are due to hatch in the next 2 or 3 days or so... I am glad to let her handle the hatch as I am feeling a bit spent. I have 3 cases of spraddle leg in my peas hatched yesterday and 5 taped feet. They are in berry boxes today... learning how to stand up and cheeping loudly : ) There sure is a lot of learning in this process! I hope to get better at it.
I will join! I just set a dozen barnyard mixes this morning! This will be my third hatch and my first time incubating my own eggs! My first two hatches were done with shipped eggs. At the end of my first hatch 0/5 hatched and at the end of my second 1/13 hatched. I am hoping to have a better hatch rate by using local eggs. The one chick that hatched from my second hatch turned out to be a Silver Campine rooster. We bought him some female chicks to grow up with and now they are old enough that I can set some of their eggs.

I am setting:

-2 Silver Campine X Golden Comet eggs
-2 Silver Campine X Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs
-2 Silver Campine X Speckled Sussex eggs
-2 Silver Campine X Black Australorp eggs
-2 Silver Campine X Barred Rock eggs
-2 Silver Campine X Easter Egger eggs

I am looking forward to seeing what the chicks will look like!

Silver Campine rooster

Black Australorp hen

Easter Egger hen

Speckled Sussex hen

Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hen

Golden Comet hens

Barred Rock hen
Ugh. I just candled 41 guinea eggs on day 7 and had 3 blood rings and 13 clears. 25 have a bit of development. I'll leave the clears in another week just in case, but overall bad fertility rate from an otherwise reliable source. I am disappointed.
Here's my other broody, due July 10th settin on 11 eggs (originally 12 but by day 10 one had a blood ring). I already had a June hatch from my australorp too!
I would absolutely take him out and help him just read what I told the girl in the above post and do exactly that! If it bleeds any just wrap a warm moist paper towel around him leaving a hole where his head is!

Thanks! I had to help two out of the shell. My sixth on had just broke thru the shell when we had to leave to go to the fireworks and when I came back it was dead :-( I candle the other 11 and there appears to be no movement. I am not sure what I should do now with the eggs that are left in the incubator. Do I carefully crack one to see what is going on? I'm just scared I killed them.

When I opened the incubator to get the two that were stuck I did it quickly and also threw a warm paper towel in there to keep the humidity up. I think that they all may have been shrink wrapped and may have died before they could hatch. ;-(

Being a novice I can say chickens were much easier than ducklings.
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Day 20 here! Well, more like 19.5 since I set them in the evening.. I candled one last time yesterday before I took out the turner and started lockdown. 3 dozen eggs made it to lockdown. A few had pipped internally. I have one external pip today! Some of the eggs are a couple days behind because I added more a day or two after the others. BLR wyandottes and olive eggers should be the first to hatch! We have a huge new brooder in the barn waiting for them. We finished it yesterday, just in time!
Oh, this time I decided to put the eggs into egg cartons with the bottoms cut out to keep them from rolling around the incubator during hatching. I don't remember where I saw that suggestion, but it sounded like a good one. I'm anxious to see how that works out.
Of the 9 eggs in lockdown 3 now have external pip. First ones been pipped 13 hours egg does a lot of rocking but no zipping yet.

The waiting is pitiful.

I have to work in about 4 hours so they will have 12 hours without me staring at the incubator.

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