July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

Okay, final count: 3 #1's
I checked the other #1, it quit after lock-down, as did #3. #2 pipped internally but had a crossed-over beak and couldn't pip externally :(

Now to figure out what these little guys are! LF from brown eggs, labeled #1 from Mysterious Oregon Swapper. Reddish, but not as bright as I initially thought they were... Will get better pic later!
2 so far, I have 2 more pipped from the same day, think they are yours. None of my 7/19 eggs are doing anything yet :(.
That is one HANDSOME roo!
Thank you!
He is my favorite bird-very protective of his ladies, but also a gentleman. They are pure, by the way. I have more pics in my albums.
None of my eggs from Michelle made it. As suspected, scrambled, cooked & rotten. Thanks USPS!!!

As for the ones from Brandy, 1 made it to lockdown after all. The other that I knew was developing quit some time last week. The other 2 questionable ones were rotten. The 1 that quit sure appears to be a cochin bantam (feather legged black baby with greyish skin & only 4 toes). The other 1 is still waiting, due 2 days ago...little slow poke.
OK, one of the MF's that hatched last night has black skin 5 toes and is a chipmunk.. I'm guessing its a sizzle or silkie?? Ill post pics in a bit...

They are all hiding under my fake ecoglow ( A hollow log with a seedling mat under it), so I'm not 100% sure how many are in there anymore!

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