July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

Pictures? I sent you Legbars, EEs and OEs I think.

I had 4 of yours hatch, I'll send pics later, they are about a week old. These are from someone else, I can't remember who. None of Michelle's eggs made it through the first candle and the eggs from California aren't due yet, they were shipped late.

So who else sent me eggs?
Racheal: (Crazypetlady) I need your help. You stumped me. I thought I have silkie eggs from you from the swap. But 2 of the 3 eggs that made it to lockdwon are not silkies.

1 hatched out with orange/yellow feet legs and 4 toes.

1 hatched out looks partridge feathered legs and toes with only 4 toes looks maybe Cochin.

Racheal: (Crazypetlady)  I need your help. You stumped me. I thought I have silkie eggs from you from the swap. But 2 of the 3 eggs that made it to lockdwon are not silkies. 

1 hatched out with orange/yellow feet legs and 4 toes.  :idunno
1 hatched out looks partridge feathered legs and toes with only 4 toes looks maybe Cochin. :idunno

HELP......................... :lau

Got ya. Booted Serama and regular Serama!!
My eggs went into lockdown Tuesday evening and I had one chick so far this morning when I left for work. I don't remember the egg color, but it was a dark chick!

ETA - Final tally is three black, one blue/splash and one brown! Thanks mystery swapper!!
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Someone in Indiana sent those & used her old address....hehehe

Hee-Hee I sent em but I wasn't your partner. The return address label said California but they really came from Indiana. They came from my friends place, they are most likely sex-links. I love his eggs the chicks that come out are so big they don't look like they could fit in the sme egg. I just hatched one tonight. It's Huge. They make super egg layers or meat chickens. ;)

You still don't know who your partner is?

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