JUNE 1st Hatch: Were locked and hatching!!!!!!!!!!

Can I join? Mine are due to hatch 7th (day 21) Mine tend to start pipping around the 20th day..and sometimes go to 22nd day..so...I say, due, 6th, 7th, or 8th of June.
I like to turn my eggs, hands on..
had an egg turner, sold it. I love hatching eggs!
I use a hover 1588. Love it..pre set, I never worry about the temp or the humidity, but still watch it. I just keep water in it..then when they start to pip, I add a very small piece of sponge to get the humidity up. Seems to work. So far, I'm seeing activity in all 18 eggs!

I have some cute barn yard mixes coming...one dad roo, pure Cuckoo Marans, another roo, pure OP Buff color..hens..black sex links..RIR..Americana, and red sex links. I can't wait to see the colors!
Well you are a braver woman than me! I find it soooo hard to sit on my hands and do nothing!
I'm going to candle one more time this weekend, coz my daughter will be here to see. (She lives in London)

Question: Once they have started pipping, should I still be lifting mamma hen off for her R&R?

Thinking of you all
Well you are a braver woman than me! I find it soooo hard to sit on my hands and do nothing!
I'm going to candle one more time this weekend, coz my daughter will be here to see. (She lives in London)

Question: Once they have started pipping, should I still be lifting mamma hen off for her R&R?

Thinking of you all

No i wouldn't, once they are piping then i wold just let momma take the rains.

This is what i get for not coming home to lunch on time!



5 pip's and one zipping. They are about 5 hrs shy of day 21...so that's not too bad, still no silkie action. Honestly i would rather all 14 sussex not make but have all five of my silkies hatch, yea i know that's kind of horrible but i have so many sussex right now you cold shake a stick at'em all day and still not cover them all.
Congratulations on your new babies!!!!

Hope the silkies make it!!!!

Who teaches them to tell the time while they are still in the egg?

Here in Jersey noone has Buffys!!! There are a few LS around, but they are not very well marked. As for the speckled...Anyone would think there were no such thing!

I am not planning huge amounts of birds, but I really love seeing who is doing what at a glance, and you can only get that if you have different kinds.

And just imagine my egg boxes:

Blue from the legbar
Olive from the Maran cross
Light brown from my legbar cross
Creamy from the Buffy and the wyandotte (next year)
Chocolate brown from the Barnevelder (also next year)
White from the Dorking (Maybe the year after next!)
two babies out. I can't stand how they soccer ball the other pipping egg's around...it breaks my heart really cuz i think if they get positioned wrong then they will die. I still refuse to use egg carton's..too risky to me.
Here is one brooder full .... Sent most of them home (all but the Delawares) with their new owner tonight. The brooder is full up again now, and I still have about 30 eggs to go. That will complete phase one of the Mega-Hatchathon here.


Congrats on the new babies, and hope you all have a successful hatch!
Lockdown today
. I started out with 28 b/b/s orps and locked down 10 but one is questionable. I had 16 clears and 2 bloodrings. On most of the clears the aircell was detached so I guess the eggs were a fun soccer game for USPS before I received them. I just hope the ones left hatch. This is my first time incubating.

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